A First for Mankind

February 15, 2011
And no, it's not good news: For the first time in history, the next generation will not live longer, or even as long, as their parents (and they won't do as well in school, either). Diseases such as Type II... continued

How to (Finally) Return to the Moon

February 15, 2011
Here on unknowncountry.com, we keep you up-to-date on the moon and the REAL reasons so many governments want to return there. President Obama has recently said that he plans to leave space travel up to the newly-formed private companies for... continued

New Tool Digs into the Past

February 15, 2011
Google Earth may soon replace shovels as the main tool that archeologists use to dig into the past (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show): Almost two thousand potential archeological sites in Saudi Arabia have been discovered thanks to... continued

Married Strangers

February 14, 2011
Married people may think they communicate well with their partners, but psychologists have found that they don’t always convey messages to their loved ones as well as they think--and in some cases, the spouses communicate no better than strangers. Tears... continued

Can Love Last?

February 14, 2011
Can science prove that romantic love can last? A new study compared the brains of long-term married and in love individuals with individuals who had recently fallen in love and discovered highly similar brain activity in regions associated with reward,... continued


February 14, 2011
On Valentine's Day, it's good to know that humans aren't the only creatures who court: fruit flies fall in love too! Scientists have taken an important step toward understanding human mating behavior by showing that certain of their genes become... continued

Greenland Glacier Growing BIGGER

February 11, 2011
While most glaciers are melting at an alarming rate, one of them is growing bigger--ALSO as a result of climate change. Hotter summers may actually slow down the melting rate of glaciers. Researchers have learned that increased melting in the... continued

Roswell Material?

February 10, 2011
A new material that can repeatedly heal itself at room temperature when exposed to ultraviolet light means we can create products that can repair themselves when damaged, such as self-healing medical implants, cars and airplane parts. A "self healing" type... continued

ETs are HERE

February 10, 2011
While the West searches for planets that may contain life, the Chinese say that aliens are not only real, they are living amongst us. Since Communists reject the idea of God, Chinese spokespeople say that our religious dogma has led... continued

Internet Kids

February 10, 2011
Many parents think their kids watch too much TV, and now that the internet and television are becoming more alike, many parents want to limit their kids' computer time too. And the more time adolescent girls spend in front of... continued