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A Blow to the Head
February 8, 2011The man who allegedly shot Representative Gabby Giffords is undoubtedly a psychopath--someone who is unable to put himself in another person's shoes. Neurologists have found that people diagnosed as psychopathic have difficulty showing empathy, just like patients who have suffered... continued
Do We Live in a Parallel Universe?
February 7, 2011Scientists think we live in a "multiverse" consisting of an infinite number of parallel universes (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). Researchers have discovered four circular patterns in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) that could be "bruises" that... continued
UFO Over the Dome of the Rock Stuns the World
February 4, 2011At 1AM local time on Saturday, January 29, video footage was made by four witnesses from different angles of a UFO appearing over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. It is not clear that all four videos are authentic,... continued
Couch Potato
February 4, 2011The Superbowl is a time many of us eat too much while we sit around in front of the TV. Are you a couch potato? The causes of the obesity epidemic are still a mystery, but scientists who are studying... continued
Football: A Painful Game
February 4, 2011Football is a tough game, and players need plenty of testosterone in order to win, and studies of wrestlers demonstrate how this hormone helps men win. The winners of wrestling matches have greater increases in testosterone levels than losing wrestlers.... continued
Fat Forgetful
February 3, 2011If you're overweight, you're also likely to have a bad memory. This is one of the results of insulin sensitivity, which is what causes people to gain too much weight. This means that a healthy lifestyle when you're young could... continued
Quantum Time
February 3, 2011In quantum physics (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), two linked particles, once they are separated, follow the exact same fate, no matter how far apart they are. This is called "quantum entanglement" and it could open the... continued
William Henry’s Extraordinary Journey Home
February 3, 2011William Henry and his wife Claire (whom Whitley and Anne first met in a crop circle) had a close call when they tried to leave Egypt, due to the chaos in Cairo. Learn all about it--including things the ordinary media... continued
Should We Surrender?
February 2, 2011Genetically-modified food seems to be taking over--should we surrender? Organic farmers may have to, but a major problem is that Roundup--the pesticide that is sprayed over fields of GM crops that the crops themselves are resistant to--may turn out to... continued
Looking for Life
February 2, 2011When we see a UFO up in the sky, does this mean that we are being Visited by beings from another planet? (If so, let's just hope that they're here for a reason and that they treat us better than... continued