Africa Splitting in Two

January 26, 2011
It isn't just war in the Sudan that is tearing apart Africa, it's earthquakes as well. Cracks began to be seen years ago, but it recent months they've increased, meaning that the continent is breaking apart in slow motion. On... continued

When a Star Explodes

January 25, 2011
If a star were to explode near the Earth, we would be hit with millions of deadly particles and cosmic rays, causing mass extinctions due to the high radiation of cosmic rays, which strips away our planet's protective ozone layer.... continued

Animal Extinctions Mean Bad Health for Humans

January 25, 2011
Extinction--of animals (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show), plants (and maybe even humans) is in our future (and may be starting right now), and protecting biodiversity is more than an act of environmental preservation--it can be a matter... continued

When Beetlejuice Explodes

January 25, 2011
Over the years, people have speculated that the sun has a twin (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). The red giant star Betelgeuse ("Beetlejuice") is predicted to explode (become a super nova) shortly. If that happens, we will... continued

Join a Telepathy Experiment

January 24, 2011
If you're interested in ESP and live in the US, British researcher Rupert Sheldrake (who has been interviewed on Dreamland) has a telepathy test he'd like you to join. To register, click here. You enter your own cell phone number,... continued

Booze on Board

January 24, 2011
It's the football season and football means beer. A new study found that 8% of fans who agreed to be tested after attending professional football and baseball games were too drunk to legally drive, and 40% had booze in their... continued

Tiny Bubbles

January 22, 2011
Getting rid of CO2 in the atmosphere by capturing it and burying it in the ground sounds like a good idea, but a Canadian farm couple whose land lies over the world's largest carbon capture and storage project says greenhouse... continued

Latest Country to Release UFO Secrets

January 22, 2011
New Zealand is the latest country to declassify its UFO files (now when will the US do the same?) More than 2,000 pages of documents, revealing UFO sightings going back to the 1950s, are included in the files. In the... continued

Brain Weapons

January 22, 2011
The way to win a war? Control your soldiers' MINDS. It sounds like a movie plot (NOTE: This special interview is just for subscribers), but it's TRUE: The Pentagon has starting a six-year, $49 million effort to deploy extreme neuroscience... continued

Quantum Breakthrough

January 21, 2011
Tired of the scan and the pat down? The type of teleportation that we all remember from "Star Trek" may soon be a reality (It may be the way UFOs fly, and with this type of transportation, no one can... continued