Bee Death Conspiracy

January 6, 2011
In 2008, the USDA ordered a report on the impact of massive bee deaths on agriculture and the causes of colony collapse disorder (CCD), but some of the results of this report may have been kept SECRET. On, Kim... continued

Unexplained Animal Deaths Worldwide–Updated with Map

January 6, 2011
UPDATE: Two million fish died in Chesapeake Bay on December 6. There have now been diebacks reported of birds and fish from the US, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The mystery started when thousands of red-winged blackbirds and starlings... continued

Passing for Black

January 6, 2011
You've heard of black people "passing for white," but times have changed: Now many mixed-race people with a choice of which way to go are identifying themselves as black. But before they do this, maybe they should think twice: Drug... continued

Is the Military Going Green?

January 5, 2011
The military is one of our biggest users of fossil fuels and they want to reduce costs and make units in the field less vulnerable to attacks on supply lines necessary to transport petroleum-based fuels. To do this, they have... continued

An Amazing Discovery

January 4, 2011
We have the first evidence that there are other universes out there. The nature of this evidence is quite extraordinary--there are indications that we have, in the past, COLLIDED with them. Researcher Roger Penrose has announced that his team has... continued

Prehistoric Cancer

January 4, 2011
Your genes are prehistoric and cancer is too. This disease is often blamed on modern pollution, but a new discovery of ancient royal burial site in Russia reveals that prehistoric people were victims of this disease as well. Two skeletons... continued

Your Genes are PREHISTORIC

January 3, 2011
Our minds may be modern but our genes are prehistoric, which is the reason we have so much trouble losing weight! In addition to fast food, desk jobs, and inertia, there is one more thing to blame for unwanted pounds-our... continued

Another Superstorm Prediction Comes True

January 3, 2011
The Master of the Key mentioned that the collapse of an ice dam in the Laurentian sea and subsequent cooling due to winds blowing from the arctic led to the last superstorm. Meteorologists says that there's a link between the... continued

The Drinking Gene

January 2, 2011
Scientists have found there's a gene that leads to alcoholism, a trait which runs in certain societies, such as the Irish and Native Americans, more than in others. Now they have found ANOTHER gene that protects against it (as well... continued


December 31, 2010
What are your New Year's resolutions? Do you want to lose weight? Save money? You're probably worried that--like so many of your previous resolutions--these goals will not be accomplished either. The solution? Ask yourself 'why,' not 'how.' This may not... continued