The Classroom Today

January 17, 2011
On Martin Luther King Day, we remember the hard task of integrating our society--starting with our schools. Now there's another reason why this is important: it turns out that the good grades that high schoolers earn aren't just good for... continued

Sun Rises in Greenland 2 Days Early

January 15, 2011
In winter, Greenland is dark for months and this year the first, brief sunrise was expected on January 13. Instead, the sun rose at 12:56 PM on January 11. The precise reason for this remains unknown. There is no apparent... continued

UFO Contact with Famous Author

January 15, 2011
New information has surfaced about late author Ken Kesey, who died a decade ago. Kesey wrote "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest," and these newly-discovered writings reveal that he saw UFOs flying over his property. In fact, he thought that... continued

Prehistoric Wine

January 14, 2011
We know that wine improves with aging, but this is ridiculous! Our genes are prehistoric, which may be the reason that archeologists have just found winemaking tools in a cave in Armenia that was inhabited over 6,000 years ago. The... continued

Nukes & Earthquakes

January 14, 2011
As US policy makers renew emphasis on the use of nuclear energy in their efforts to reduce the country’s oil dependence, other factors come into play. One concern of paramount importance is the seismic hazard at the site where nuclear... continued

Why are our Kids so Fat?

January 14, 2011
Kids who are deficient in vitamin D gained weight more rapidly than kids who got enough vitamin D, and since you get the D vitamin mainly from being out in the sun, this is probably because they're spending too much... continued

Warmest Year

January 13, 2011
Despite the recent freezing winter weather, 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year since record keeping began in 1880. The temperature of the earth was over one degrees higher than the 20th-century average the same as it was in... continued


January 13, 2011
Neuroscientists are learning new tricks from professional magicians, as they struggle to understand how the brain works. Magicians take advantage of how our nervous systems, including our eyes and sense of touch, are wired to perceive "impossible" illusions (NOTE: Subscribers... continued


January 13, 2011
When time slip expert Starfire Tor joined Whitley on Coast to Coast AM on January 9, one of her predictions for 2011 was more meteor strikes. Her prediction has come true already: In Oklahoma, people recently star a "big ball... continued


January 12, 2011
A coma is mysterious--the person seems to be asleep, but is impossible to wake up. Wounded Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was put into an induced coma in order to help her brain heal. Anne Strieber experienced this when an aneurysm... continued