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Will a Supervolcano Destroy Europe?
January 12, 2011Two thousand years ago Mount Vesuvius exploded and destroyed Pompeii. Today, a larger, more deadly supervolcano called Campi Flegrei, on the other side of Naples, shows signs of getting restless. If it erupts, it could wipe out all life in... continued
Fish Oil & Football
January 11, 2011Football is a dangerous game, mainly due to head-banging concussions. Now animal experiments suggest that taking the omega-3 fatty acid DHA might offer a new way of protecting against traumatic brain injury. Although only preliminary, the results raise the "intriguing"... continued
Drought in our Future
January 11, 2011War isn't the only thing that threatens human survival--an even bigger threat is lack of water. Despite the fact that Australia is experiencing incredible floods right now, the country endured many years of drought. There's more drought in our future,... continued
Food Price Fix
January 11, 2011Consumers are rejecting genetically modified fruits and vegetables and turning to organics, which makes the people who run gigantic factory farms unhappy, because they're no longer making as much money as they used to. Not all Wikileaks were about war--one... continued
Pole Shift Underway
January 11, 2011The magnetic North Pole is shifting and the poles may even flip--this is something geologists say happens regularly on the earth (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). The current pole shift caused the Tampa International Airport to shut... continued
MORE Bird Deaths!
January 8, 2011First it was redwinged blackbirds falling out of the sky--in two places in the US and also in Sweden. Then it was thousands of dead fish. Now it's doves: A thousand of them have dropped out of the sky in... continued
Dead Zones
January 7, 2011It's not just birds that are dying: Arkansas officials are investigating the death of 100,000 fish in a lake in a town near Little Rock and suspect disease is to blame. CNN quotes Game & Fish Commissioner Keith Stephens as... continued
Bee Death Conspiracy
January 6, 2011In 2008, the USDA ordered a report on the impact of massive bee deaths on agriculture and the causes of colony collapse disorder (CCD), but some of the results of this report may have been kept SECRET. On PhysOrg.com, Kim... continued
Unexplained Animal Deaths Worldwide–Updated with Map
January 6, 2011UPDATE: Two million fish died in Chesapeake Bay on December 6. There have now been diebacks reported of birds and fish from the US, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The mystery started when thousands of red-winged blackbirds and starlings... continued
Passing for Black
January 6, 2011You've heard of black people "passing for white," but times have changed: Now many mixed-race people with a choice of which way to go are identifying themselves as black. But before they do this, maybe they should think twice: Drug... continued