Another Superstorm Prediction Comes True

January 3, 2011
The Master of the Key mentioned that the collapse of an ice dam in the Laurentian sea and subsequent cooling due to winds blowing from the arctic led to the last superstorm. Meteorologists says that there's a link between the... continued

The Drinking Gene

January 2, 2011
Scientists have found there's a gene that leads to alcoholism, a trait which runs in certain societies, such as the Irish and Native Americans, more than in others. Now they have found ANOTHER gene that protects against it (as well... continued


December 31, 2010
What are your New Year's resolutions? Do you want to lose weight? Save money? You're probably worried that--like so many of your previous resolutions--these goals will not be accomplished either. The solution? Ask yourself 'why,' not 'how.' This may not... continued


December 31, 2010
Every year, in January, our resident prophet John Hogue tells us what's going to happen in the coming year--and every June we hold his feet to the fire and examine whether his predictions came true. This January, we're also going... continued

Another Reason to Keep a Diary

December 30, 2010
One of the most common New Year's resolutions is to LOSE WEIGHT, and if it's yours too, here's something you should know: The first step to reaching your ideal weight in the New Year may be as simple as writing... continued

Dust to Dust

December 29, 2010
Did you clean up for holiday guests? Some of that dust may have traveled a LONG distance to get to your house. And the amount of dust in your house or apartment is a good predictor of climate change. Using... continued

Was the Garden of Eden Real?

December 29, 2010
Human beings are twice as old as scientists used to think we are AND we may have originated in Israel, rather than Africa. Meanwhile, new species of humans are still being discovered: A 4,000 year old finger bone has been... continued

A Cold Cure That Doesn’t Work

December 28, 2010
Winter weather brings on colds and flu. We already have a cure for the common cold (problem: the drug companies won't manufacture it), so many people visit the health food store for remedies. If you're one of them, here are... continued

Don’t Exercise, Tweak Your Genes

December 28, 2010
In the future, you may be able to forgo exercise and still stay healthy, by having your genes tweaked instead. By tweaking a single gene, scientists have mimicked in sedentary mice the heart-strengthening effects of two weeks of endurance training.... continued

What to Avoid at Parties

December 28, 2010
At this year's holiday celebrations, try to avoid rooms filled with second-hand smoke (especially if you're pregnant): Exposure to nicotine during pregnancy leads to a decrease in adult stem cells and a change in the brains of the offspring. Researchers... continued