December 20, 2010
It's been a COLD winter in the UK. Climate change experts are warning that if humans don't moderate our use of fossil fuels, there is a real possibility that we will face the environmental, societal and economic consequences of climate... continued

If Holiday Happiness Eludes You

December 20, 2010
Having trouble being happy over the holidays? If everyone ELSE seems to be jolly this season, don't worry--you're NOT alone! Psychologist Eric Wilson doesn’t WANT to be happy for the holidays. And he thinks you should try taking the happy... continued

Metal from Roswell UFO Crash

December 17, 2010
An extraordinary metal was found in the debris that came from the UFO that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947--It was so thin, you could bend it and it would spring back into its original shape, but... continued

Water It!

December 17, 2010
Once ignited, a dry Fraser fir, one of the most popular Christmas tree choices, bursts into flames in less than 7 seconds, and it will be consumed by fire in slightly more than a minute. But if a well-watered Fraser... continued

Medical Miracle

December 16, 2010
Christmas is the time to contemplate miracles and medicine has come up with a big one. After major accidents, we're all used to hearing calls from blood donors on the radio, especially those with rare blood types. But this wouldn't... continued

Brush Your DOG’S Teeth Too!

December 16, 2010
Get your dog ready for that Christmas party: Buy him a nice red sweater and BRUSH HIS TEETH! The problem isn't just bad breath: By the age of 3, about 80% of dogs and 70% of cats already have gum... continued

Happy? Healthy!

December 15, 2010
Here's another reason to go to college (besides the fact that you're more likely to get married): People with a higher education are happier. But this isn't always the case: Meaningful relationships with other people can change this for individuals... continued

When Snakes Can Fly

December 15, 2010
Birds fly (of course) and some squirrels fly. Some dinosaurs flew. There's an old saying that something will occur "when pigs can fly." If you change that to snakes, it means it WILL happen, because these have been discovered in... continued

Walk! (But Not on New Year’s)

December 14, 2010
Walking as the best exercise for the body AND the brain. It's great for losing weight, and new research suggests that walking at least six miles per week may protect brain size and preserve memory in old age. But don't... continued

Sun Twin

December 14, 2010
Throughout his long career, Zechariah Sitchin maintained that Nibiru existed, and now a new NASA probe seems about to prove him right. Our sun may have a companion that disturbs comets from the edge of the solar system--a giant planet... continued