Was the Garden of Eden Real?

December 29, 2010
Human beings are twice as old as scientists used to think we are AND we may have originated in Israel, rather than Africa. Meanwhile, new species of humans are still being discovered: A 4,000 year old finger bone has been... continued

A Cold Cure That Doesn’t Work

December 28, 2010
Winter weather brings on colds and flu. We already have a cure for the common cold (problem: the drug companies won't manufacture it), so many people visit the health food store for remedies. If you're one of them, here are... continued

Don’t Exercise, Tweak Your Genes

December 28, 2010
In the future, you may be able to forgo exercise and still stay healthy, by having your genes tweaked instead. By tweaking a single gene, scientists have mimicked in sedentary mice the heart-strengthening effects of two weeks of endurance training.... continued

What to Avoid at Parties

December 28, 2010
At this year's holiday celebrations, try to avoid rooms filled with second-hand smoke (especially if you're pregnant): Exposure to nicotine during pregnancy leads to a decrease in adult stem cells and a change in the brains of the offspring. Researchers... continued

Those Who Can’t Go Home for Christmas

December 28, 2010
Around this time of year, our thoughts turn to the people who will NOT be going home for Christmas. How do people cope going from prison back into society? Not well, which is why so many of them end up... continued

Season of Birth

December 25, 2010
When we celebrate Christmas, we remember that Jesus was (supposedly) born in the winter, but this is not the best time to emerge from the womb. The season in which babies are born can have a dramatic and persistent effect... continued

Banana Mozart

December 24, 2010
This is the season for classical music! Listening to Mozart may (or may not) increase your intelligence, but one thing we know for sure: Playing that lovely music in the fields helps bananas to grow and Japan (where beautiful fruits... continued

Chimp Toys

December 24, 2010
Didn't get what you wanted for Christmas? Chimps don't always either, so they improvise--giving us a window into how human children play. Female chimpanzees seem to treat sticks as dolls, carrying them around until they're old enough to produce real... continued

Final Days of The Key

December 23, 2010
The Key--the most popular book we've ever published on this website--tells about a prophetic encounter that Whitley Strieber had with a stranger in a hotel room. It's been made into a play and is about to be produced as a... continued

Why Religion Makes People Happy

December 23, 2010
During the Christmas season, many people attend religious services who normally don't set foot inside a church. It's long been known that religious people are generally happier, but what's their "secret ingredient?" It turns out it's two things: prayer and... continued