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Brush Your DOG’S Teeth Too!
December 16, 2010Get your dog ready for that Christmas party: Buy him a nice red sweater and BRUSH HIS TEETH! The problem isn't just bad breath: By the age of 3, about 80% of dogs and 70% of cats already have gum... continued
Happy? Healthy!
December 15, 2010Here's another reason to go to college (besides the fact that you're more likely to get married): People with a higher education are happier. But this isn't always the case: Meaningful relationships with other people can change this for individuals... continued
When Snakes Can Fly
December 15, 2010Birds fly (of course) and some squirrels fly. Some dinosaurs flew. There's an old saying that something will occur "when pigs can fly." If you change that to snakes, it means it WILL happen, because these have been discovered in... continued
Walk! (But Not on New Year’s)
December 14, 2010Walking as the best exercise for the body AND the brain. It's great for losing weight, and new research suggests that walking at least six miles per week may protect brain size and preserve memory in old age. But don't... continued
Sun Twin
December 14, 2010Throughout his long career, Zechariah Sitchin maintained that Nibiru existed, and now a new NASA probe seems about to prove him right. Our sun may have a companion that disturbs comets from the edge of the solar system--a giant planet... continued
Computer Music
December 13, 2010You can teach your computer poetry and slang, but you haven't finished its education until you've taught it how to listen to music. Artificial intelligence researchers have teamed up with musicians on an unlikely project: a digital conductor of improvised... continued
Sunshine Secrets
December 13, 2010This time of year, we're all indoors more often, meaning we often don't get enough of the sunshine vitamin (D). A recent study found that low AND high vitamin D levels were associated with an increased likelihood of frailty in... continued
Ancient DNA–What Can It Tell Us?
December 10, 2010Researchers recently revived ancient bacteria that had been trapped for thousands of years in water droplets embedded in salt crystals. Is this a good idea? This bacteria been found inside salt crystals ranging in age from thousands to hundreds of... continued
Whales are Polluted
December 10, 2010People are polluted and whales are too. Sperm whales throughout the Pacific carry evidence of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which occur in oil, coal, and tar deposits, and are produced as byproducts of fuel burning. Some of them... continued
Chinese Food for Christmas Dinner
December 9, 2010Westerners usually don't eat Asian food for Christmas dinner, but maybe we SHOULD, and there's no more need to be afraid of Chinese cuisine: It used to be feared that soy products (such as tofu) promoted breast cancer, but now... continued