Be Careful How You Cook It

November 11, 2010
It's not just what you eat--what you COOK it in can affect your health too. Children and teens with higher blood levels of the chemicals used non-stick cookware and waterproof fabrics have elevated total and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. Other... continued

What Meat Eating Does

November 11, 2010
There's a theory that vegetarians are more peaceful, but new research shows it's actually meat eaters who are LESS aggressive. What about our images of a grunting or growling animal snarling at anyone who dares take their meat away from... continued

Protect Us from the Sun

November 11, 2010
Climate change is causing changes in our weather, but that's nothing compared to what's happening on the sun. Solar scientists say that the sun's magnetic field is weakening, and we are going to go into a long period of solar... continued

When New York City Drowned

November 11, 2010
An asteroid impact two thousand years ago may have sent gigantic waves deluging what is now New York City. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes and volcanoes, but the causes of 10% of them are unknown, and asteroids are... continued

Ant Slaves

November 10, 2010
In the old days in the Old South, rich plantation owners had teams of slaves to do the work for them. It turns out that ants are farmers too AND they also have slaves! And just like people who purchased... continued

Lonely & Depressed? Make New Friends!

November 10, 2010
THE SOLUTION: JOIN OUR REGULAR WEDNESDAY CHATS (from 7 to 8 pm Pacific)! And if this description fits you, check your wallet: Current treatments for depression don't help working-class and poor patients as much as they help middle-class people. Maybe this is... continued

Mystery ICBM Launch 35 Miles off LA Coastline–Case Closed…Probably

November 10, 2010
The mystery of the menacing-appearing contrail that appeared 35 miles off Los Angeles on the evening of November 8 appears to have been solved: US Airways Flight 808 was approaching the Los Angeles area at the time, on its way from... continued

The Secret is Out

November 9, 2010
The government may have inadvertently revealed a secret when the California director of a NASA center mentioned the "100 Year Starship," where astronauts leave the Earth to colonize another planet, but don't return because the destination is so far away... continued

A Surprising Reason Why You’re Fat

November 9, 2010
Are you fat because you're stressed? Or are you fat because of a virus you caught when you were a kid? A virus that can cause respiratory infections has been linked to childhood obesity. In the latest study, pediatricians found... continued

Old Bees Have Bad Memories Too

November 9, 2010
Bees are disappearing due to colony collapse disorder (CCD), but the ones that are still flying are great navigators, able to wend their way home through complex landscapes after visits to flowers far removed from their nests. But bees are... continued