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Bigger Than Ever
November 4, 2010Roaches, that is: Many insects of today are tiny, compared to their ancient ancestors, but the biggest cockroaches that have ever lived are living in your kitchen today--they're the size of steaks--and scientists are trying to figure out why. Many... continued
No Matter How You Voted, Be Strong About the Outcome
November 3, 2010No matter how the election turns out, it's good to remember what we've been told so often: that whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger (but there was no scientific evidence to support for this idea--until now). A new national... continued
Troubling New Software Makes Things Disappear from Live Videos
November 3, 2010A powerful new software program in the field of diminished reality is capable of removing anything from a video--even a live video. Develeoped at the University of Ilumenau in Germany, the software has a vast range of potential applications. News media could... continued
Your Vote: What Does Race Have to Do With It?
November 3, 2010As voters go to the poles today, we realize that the recession is hitting us ALL hard, but it turns out that race (which plays a big part in many areas of life) has played a part in the recent... continued
Role Playing Good–in Life & Politics
November 2, 2010How can we tell what the candidates we're voting for are REALLY like? Many of them seem to have learned this secret: If you want to feel good about yourself, try acting NOT like yourself. Psychologists say this can help... continued
Sleep is in Your Genes, Too
November 2, 2010Since your voting habits are genetic, it shouldn't be surprising that your sleep habits are too. Ever wonder why some people breeze along on four hours of sleep when others can barely function? It may be in our genes. In... continued
Voting Liberal? It’s in Your Genes
November 2, 2010As you get ready to vote, reflect on this: According to new research, liberals may owe their political outlook partly to their genetic make-up, because political ideology is affected not just by social factors, but also by a dopamine receptor... continued
Welcome to the New Unknowncountry
November 1, 2010You're on the new Unknowncountry website. It offers much more visibility for our vast offering, and many new and easier ways to navigate, as well as a powerful new search engine. You'll find a new ability to report sightings and... continued
Saving Us from Asteroids is CHEAP
October 28, 2010But they won't do it - There's almost nothing more scary than an asteroid impact--something that could turn us all instantly into ghosts (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Millions of years ago, TWO asteroids did in the... continued
A Halloween Insight
October 28, 2010Filmmaker Paul Davids had a ghostly visitation and he's written the perfect Halloween Insight about it. It includes a death foretold (by a PAINTING) of a sci-fi master and a document that was mysteriously "redacted." He writes: "Forrest J. Ackerman... continued