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A Politician’s Smile
October 21, 2010Is it really a smile? - Now that so many people communicate via the internet, facial expressions aren't scrutinized the way they used to be. But one group of people frequently appear on TV (where we can see their faces)... continued
Speaking of Politics…
October 21, 2010New Whitley's Journal! - In Whitley's new Journal, he writes: "Politicians give lip-service to freedom, but the enormousgovernment bureaucracies that are characteristic of thedeveloped world would prefer to replace choices with rules,which is actually a decivilizing process." But he has... continued
Rain Power
October 20, 2010There are lots of places to get power (including the power to fight a war-- NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), besides greenhouse gas emitting fossil fuels: wind turbines, solar panels, ethanol. How about out of the thin... continued
Sudden Pole Shift
October 20, 2010Going on NOW - It's moving fast and very soon things may be completely different. The normally slow pole shift process may be accelerating at a rapid rate (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). By studying stones, geologist... continued
Mushroom Power
October 20, 2010People have been eating mushrooms for millennia--the iceman Oetzi even had some dried ones with him when he died. There may be ways for us to boost our immune systems and one of these may be by eating mushrooms. And... continued
Why Diets Don’t Work for You
October 19, 2010Even though they work for your friends - Lots of us are entangled in a conundrum that's giving us a fear of food. Ever notice some people seem to eat anything they want and never gain a pound, while others... continued
Married or NOT Married
October 19, 2010Which is more stressful? - Before you become entangled, ask yourself: What's love got to do with it? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Think marriage is stressful? New studies show that NOT being married (or in a... continued
Bees Dance for Democracy
October 19, 2010Humans aren't the only ones who find themselves entangled in a dancing democracy--it turns out that bees do too--and they do a quantum dance (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). But since 2006, 20 to 40% of US... continued
Our Skin Can Save Us
October 18, 2010If there's one thing we're all entangled with, it's our skin, and this valuable outer covering may eventually be able to help us to find cures that will save our lives in many different ways, from curing cancer to repairing... continued
Can We Get the Candidates We Need?
October 18, 2010In Whitley Strieber's dynamic new Journal, he clearly thinks that when it comes to today's political candidates, we're entangled in something that stinks. He concludes: "We need smart, capable and independent candidates whose focus is on the American people, not... continued