Chinese Medicine

October 12, 2010
Good or bad? - While Chinese medicine is causing the extinction of endangered species, Chinese herbs are turning up more and more in Western doctors' offices. We are learning more and more new ways to heal ourselves--and our planet (NOTE:... continued

How Moons are Made

October 12, 2010
From the moon rocks (the real ones, anyway) that were brought back by various missions, which turned out to be partly material from Earth, our scientists learned that our moon was created when a fast moving space rock knocked off... continued

Bible Science

October 12, 2010
Can science explain miracles or are they all caused by God? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). Remember the scene in the Bible in Exodus 14:21-28, when the Israelites are escaping from the Egyptian chariots and Moses parts... continued

Magic Castle Time Slip Show

October 12, 2010
Now airing on Canadian TV - William Shatner's "Weird Or What?" TV show, with Whitley & Anne Strieber & Starfire Tor, is airing in Canada on the History Channel. On it, we discuss the Magic Castle time slip event, which... continued

The Healing Clutch

October 11, 2010
There's the It turns out that there really is such a thing as a Healing Touch (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show). And then there's the healing clutch. We tend to clutch the injured hand with the other... continued

The Future of Coral

October 11, 2010
Both hope & despair - Hopes have grown dimmer that coral reefs might be able to survive (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), and recover from, bleaching caused by climate change may have grown dimmer for certain coral... continued

Mind Reading

October 8, 2010
Mind reading: ETs can do it and it turns out humans can too. Scientists have found that some couples are so in tune that their brains begin to work in sync. Perhaps we will communicate by simply reading each other's... continued


October 8, 2010
What happens afterwards? - There's evolution at work when she wants to cuddle after sex (and he, well, doesn't). That's the conclusion of a new study, anyway. Psychologist Susan Hughes says, "The vast majority of the research on the evolutionary... continued

Mysterious Powers

October 8, 2010
We all wonder what the future will bring. Right now, Contactees are finding that they put out streetlights and disrupting electrical appliances, such as TVs and computers. Now a young girl in Serbia has been discovered to have magnetic hands.... continued

Witchcraft Trials

October 7, 2010
Just an excuse for bad government - A prominent GOP candidate got into hot water recently for confessing an early dabbling in Wicca. Today, the Salem witch trials stand for bad government leaders overstepping boundaries, McCarthyism and Arthur Miller's play... continued