Measuring Male Lust

September 27, 2010
Women know how to judge men, but how do men judge women? Men who are looking for short-term companionship are more interested in a woman's body than those looking for a long-term relationship, who focus on a woman's face. So... continued

Another Extinction

September 27, 2010
Tiger's roar may soon be a memory - Tigers will soon join the group of animals (and humans?) that may soon be seen no more. But some researchers have used hidden cameras to film some of them in surprising places.... continued


September 27, 2010
Bacteria can be dangerous, but they can also be useful. New research has discovered that these tiny life forms have a sense of smell. Could this be used to keep away the ones we DON'T want? Scientists have demonstrated that... continued

Red Rain (Again)

September 24, 2010
It's red rain yet again. Researchers are still studying cells from India's 2001 red rain and have found that they multiply under extreme heat, and they DON'T contain DNA. Life on Earth may have been seeded from comets, asteroids or... continued

War in the Arctic

September 24, 2010
We once predicted that World War III would be fought over the moon, but now it looks like it will fought over the newly-opened (thanks to glacier melt) passage in the Arctic. The Northeast Passage from Russia to Asia is... continued

Did UFOs Attack our Nukes?

September 24, 2010
UFOs are known to be warlike at times and several ex-military men are ready to testify that they have monitored, and even tampered with, US nuclear missiles--and, of course, we retaliated. The group of 120 former or retired military personnel... continued

Why Some Lose Weight & Others Don’t

September 23, 2010
It's all in the BRAIN! - Why do some people gain weight easily, while others never seem to get supersized, no matter what they eat? And when those of us who gain weight DO get fat, why do men and... continued

Cyber War

September 23, 2010
The clean war? - In their 1985 novel WarDay, Whitley Strieber and Jim Kunetka explored the results of a possible limited nuclear war and found that while it was likely that the human race would survive, we would find ourselves... continued

Truth Sometimes Comes in Surprising Packages

September 23, 2010
Anne's new diary - In her new diary, Anne Strieber discovers that you can get important spiritual insights from an unusual source! If you love Anne's diaries and Whitley'sJournals, keep them coming: Subscribe today! Art credit: NOTE: This news... continued

A Planet Swallowed Up

September 22, 2010
Gulp! - If you think there are some surprising things happening here on Earth, you'd be amazed at the kinds of things are happening in the heavens. For instance, one star recently swallowed up another nearby one and there is... continued