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Yes It WAS Hot This Summer!
September 13, 2010August 2010 was the second hottest August in the 32-year satellite temperature dataset, with a global average temperature that was only a tiny percentage cooler than the record set in August 1998. According to atmospheric science researcher Dr. John Christy,... continued
Bedbugs in the Office
September 10, 2010Bloodspots on your office chair? - Bedbugs are back and now they've moved from the bed to the office. Unless you want to catch them and eat them, what are you going to do? Almost one in every 5 exterminators... continued
Iceman Was Buried in Formal Ceremony
September 10, 2010A sign of Prehistoric Religion? - Mysterious things can happen in ancient places. For instance, it has been discovered that the 5,300-year-old iceman who has been nicknamed Oetzi, discovered in the thawing Alps 19 years ago, may not have died... continued
When ETs Talk in People’s Heads
September 10, 2010What is really going on? - Contactees almost always say that the strange beings they meet "talk inside their heads," and some of them have implants as well. Is this how ET does it? In an early step toward letting... continued
Space Travel
September 9, 2010The rocky road - If space travel is in our future, we need to learn how to identify and avoid the "rocks" in the "road." Somebody else seems to be doing it right now, so we should be able to... continued
Searching for Alien Signals
September 9, 2010We're doing it the wrong way - A senior SETI astronomer says that we are trying to communicate with other intelligent life forms in the wrong way--maybe we should be searching for thinking machines rather than biological life forms. Researcher... continued
Mysterious Highway Incident
September 9, 2010Famed crop circle researcher Colin Andrews has discovered abizarre and well documented story about an event that tookplace on the M-8 motorway in England in May of 2008. On hiswebsite Andrews writes:"Police witnessed what appeared to be two woman with... continued
Tracking Your Moves
September 8, 2010Ever get the suspicion that someone is spying on you? There have been hints that we may soon be sold clothes and personal items containing tiny GPS units that track our movements. In Brazil, boxes of laundry detergent did this!... continued
When you DON’T want Wi-Fi
September 8, 2010PAINT it out! - People with portable laptops are always looking for cafes and coffee shops that offer wifi. But after the "Wikileaks" scandal, where a website recently published 76,000 secret US military logs detailing military actions in Afghanistan, some... continued
September 8, 2010Another summer has passed, we've closed up our grills after Labor Day, and some of us are still scratching our bug bites. Is this some sort of conspiracy? Because when it come to mosquitoes, some of us get bitten more... continued