
September 8, 2010
Another summer has passed, we've closed up our grills after Labor Day, and some of us are still scratching our bug bites. Is this some sort of conspiracy? Because when it come to mosquitoes, some of us get bitten more... continued

Tracking Your Moves

September 8, 2010
Ever get the suspicion that someone is spying on you? There have been hints that we may soon be sold clothes and personal items containing tiny GPS units that track our movements. In Brazil, boxes of laundry detergent did this!... continued

Another One

September 7, 2010
Is this some kind of conspiracy?--because it's happening again: Severed feet are washing up on the shores of British Columbia. A human foot washed up on a Washington State island Friday morning, raising the total number of feet found on... continued

Was the Universe Designed?

September 7, 2010
Or a lucky accident? - We've written about the "Earth-Moon machine," by which we mean that the presence of the moon in its exact position relative to the Earth, slows down what would otherwise be life-destroying winds that would have... continued

Melt Rate

September 7, 2010
Speeding Up AND Slowing Down - The world works in mysterious ways: While Arctic sea ice has been diminishing in recent decades, ice in the Antarctic has been increasing slightly. Something strange is going on out there. Researcher Jiping Liu... continued

Ghost Traffic

September 3, 2010
It's happened to us all: driving along when suddenly, traffic comes to an almost complete stop. We crawl along thinking there must be an accident or a broken-down vehicle ahead, but just as suddenly as we slowed, traffic begins moving... continued

Finicky Eaters

September 3, 2010
Do you have a finicky eater at your house? Scientists are studying some of them, trying to figure out what it is that's driving them so crazy. But almost EVERYTHING tastes better grilled, and on holidays like Labor Day, we... continued


September 3, 2010
Anne's new diary - In Anne Strieber's new diary she talks about what she calls cocooning--which is her word for people who are in their own world, texting or talking on their cell phones. She thinks they miss a lot... continued


September 2, 2010
And Bio-Fuel - Will things ever change? What if trains, planes, and automobiles all were powered simply by the air through which they move? What if their exhaust and byproducts helped the environment? And what if greenhouse gas emissions could... continued

The Internet: A Tool for Democracy

September 2, 2010
As we finally exit Iraq, we are leaving some soldiers behind, but what we are leaving behind that is really important is the internet, because studies have shown that there can be no modern democracies without it. As the last... continued