Depressed Because You’re Fat

September 2, 2010
And fat because you're depressed! - It turns out that if you're depressed because you're fat (no surprise there), you're likely to get even FATTER, especially in the place you dread being fat the most: our stomach. But there ARE... continued

Terrorism: Easing the Stress

September 1, 2010
Before it explodes - Would international travel or internet sites and documentary films about foreign places help stop jihadist attacks? Could student foreign exchanges help as well? All these things could help end terrorism if they cause terrorists to be... continued

Immigration May HELP the Economy

September 1, 2010
Should we welcome them instead of putting up fences? - There is a lot of controversy going on about immigration right now, but some economists think that countries that restrict it might be missing out on a great economic development.... continued

Drug Scams

September 1, 2010
By drug manufacturers - It's a conspiracy worthy of Jim Marrs: The pharmaceutical industry is a market in which the seller knows much more than the buyer about the product and can profit from selling products less effective and less... continued

How Hurricanes Get Big

August 31, 2010
What creates a Katrina? - Hurricane season is starting up again, and scientists are launching a major field project next month in the tropical Atlantic Ocean to solve a central mystery of hurricanes: Why do certain clusters of tropical thunderstorms... continued

Ocean Pollution

August 31, 2010
The plastic kind - Plastic pollution is a big problem in the ocean right now and we can't wait until tomorrow to clean it up. By dragging fine-meshed nets along the ocean's surface, researchers found that while there is a... continued

Star Cycles

August 31, 2010
Our sun isn't the only star that flares up into sunspots every 11 years. In a bid to unlock longstanding mysteries of the Sun, including the impacts on Earth of its 11-year cycle, an international team of scientists has successfully... continued

Sniffer Dogs

August 30, 2010
And sniffer mice - We're all familiar with dogs that sniff out illicit drugs, but the sniffer dogs you see at airports are generally used to detect food brought in from other countries and states. But here's a new one:... continued

Unique Cleaning Problem

August 30, 2010
Huge solar panels get DUSTY! - Imagine having to dust objects the size of 25 to 50 football fields. That's the problem facing companies that deploy large-scale solar power installations, which is why scientists have come up with the solution:... continued

Huge Solar Flares Predicted

August 30, 2010
The sun is back with a vengeance! - Solar flares are starting up again, after a long hiatus, and they are predicted to be extraordinary. NASA warns that the recent massive flare wasn't an anomaly, it's just the beginning. A... continued