Famous Futurist to Speak on Wed.

August 16, 2010
in West Virginia - Futurist, friend and Dreamland guest (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) John Petersen returns to the Fairfax Coffeehouse on Wednesday, Aug. 18 16 6:30 pm. The Coffehouse is located at 23 Fairfax St. in... continued

Lung Plant

August 16, 2010
We know we should eat our vegetables, but we have to be careful not to inhale them. A Massachusetts man who was rushed to the hospital with breathing problems discovered that there was a pea plant growing in his lung.... continued

A Dream or a Message?

August 13, 2010
New Whitley's Journal - There are always surprises in store for you at unknowncountry.com. In Whitley's new journal, he writes about a powerful dream that may be a premonition of what the Grays are doing here. Anne Strieber had the... continued

You May be Eating Cloned Meat

August 13, 2010
From dead cows - Haven't we had enough problems using animal parts from dead cows? Now a company wants to increase meat production by cloning dead cattle. Farmers say this produces high quality meat that is indistinguishable from regular beef.... continued

A Trip to Crop Circle Country

August 12, 2010
In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "We have just returned from a trip to speak at the crop circle conference in the UK, where we had some breathtaking adventures." And in Whitley's new journal, he writes about UFO sightings... continued

Whales: Finding Out How They’re Doing

August 12, 2010
Did they survive the oil spill? - Here's a mystery that needs to be solved: What effect has the BP oil spill had on whales? Now "electronic ears" are being put in place in the Gulf of Mexico, listening in... continued

Romance: Who Gets Hurt the Most

August 12, 2010
A surprising answer - Contrary to popular belief, the ups and downs of romantic relationships have a greater effect on the mental health of young men than women. In a study of more than 1,000 unmarried young adults between the... continued

Can the Economy Clean Up its Act?

August 11, 2010
Or is it too late? One researcher thinks that looking at the dollar figures might spur big companies (and big government) to ACT. Researcher George Backus says, "Absent any idea of costs, the need to address climate change seems remote... continued

Religion May Have Made Us Human

August 11, 2010
In the grim struggles of prehistory, early religion may have provided humans a way to relate to each other and the world around them, offering significant survival and reproductive advantages. Psychologist Matt Rossano claims that, "The roots of religion stretch... continued

Students Fail Empathy Test

August 10, 2010
Blame it on Facebook & video games - According to a new study, today's college students seem less caring than earlier generations, perhaps they're too worried about competing with their fellow students to earn a living after graduation. Thank goodness... continued