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Our Biggest Trash Can
August 24, 2010Our oceans are in trouble. What happened in the past can affect the future. More than 200 million gallons of oil is estimated to have spilled into the Gulf after the April 20 blowout at BP's Deepwater Horizon, an incident... continued
New Whitley’s Journal!
August 24, 2010In Whitley's new journal, he writes about his fear that there may be dark days ahead, both politically and environmentally, which he compares to the fall of the Roman Empire, and he discusses what we can do about this. Here... continued
Waiting for Baby
August 23, 2010Sometimes we have to wait a long time for good news. Many people wait to have kids until they feel confident about their career. And since the right man doesn't always turn up in time, women in their late 30s... continued
The Oceans: Something is Wrong
August 23, 2010UPDATE: Lobsters too! - Since July, there have been a number of mysterious ocean kills reported from around the world, only one of which has been mentioned by the general media in the west. The kills involve a massive mollusk... continued
Winston Churchill: UFO Cover Up
August 23, 2010UFO cover ups have been going on for a long time. Newly-released government files reveal that Winston Churchill, who was Prime Minister of the UK during World War II, received weekly briefings about UFOs from government intelligence experts. He ordered... continued
Superstorm Vindicated
August 20, 2010When Whitley and Art Bell wrote "The Coming Global Superstorm" in 1999, based in part on information that Whitley received from the Master of the Key, (which went on to become the hit film The Day After Tomorrow), meteorologists scoffed... continued
Ant Zombies
August 20, 2010Zombies are now showing up in movies and books, but these didn't originate in Haiti: A 48-million-year-old fossilized leaf gives us the oldest known evidence of parasites taking control of their hosts to turn them into zombies. Researcher David P... continued
New Planets Discovered
August 20, 2010Some may harbor intelligent life - It has now been found that there must be many small, rocky planets in our galaxy, and probably spread across the universe. This means that the likelihood of there being intelligent life elsewhere could... continued
Pretty People Get Ahead
August 19, 2010in politics - It's so unfair: Attractive people are less likely to get convicted (and short people commit more crimes), and it turns out that attractive politicians are more likely to get elected. With such widespread TV coverage of candidates,... continued
August 19, 2010Leave it up to a robot - We predict that the future will reveal a world filled with robots, and there are all kinds of them out there already. How do you teach someone to trust, especially someone who has... continued