
August 2, 2010
Some incredible vaccines are arriving soon, including one that could help you quit smoking and another that might prevent women from getting breast cancer. And new DISSOLVING microneedles mean they won't hurt, either. Researchers say they've developed a vaccine prevents... continued

If the Military is So Concerned about Climate Change

August 2, 2010
Maybe they should all just GO HOME - That climate variability in one region can have an effect on more distant areas is known in the climate research literature, the challenge being to locate these far-connections and understand their projections.... continued

How to be Invisible

July 30, 2010
Scientists are still trying to create an invisibility cloak. Researchers have found ways to use magnetic resonance to capture rays of visible light and route them around objects, rendering those objects invisible to the human eye. Electrical engineer Elena Semouchkina... continued

Monkey Army

July 30, 2010
Among the rumors now leaking out of Afghanistan is a bizarre report of Taliban insurgents training monkeys and baboons to shoot at Coalition troops. Is it possible to do this? Primate experts doubt that the story, which appeared in a... continued

Anne’s Diary–Marriage: Hot & Cold

July 29, 2010
In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "A while ago, I wrote a diary about how a marriage between a Lefty and a Righty works, on the theory that this is a metaphor for ALL marriages. Now I want to... continued

How to Create a Star

July 29, 2010
And WHY - In their unending search for extraterrestrial life, astronomers have discovered a new way to search for planets as small as the Earth that are in orbit around distant stars. reports that this is something called Transit... continued

It’s Crop Circle Season

July 29, 2010
Anne & Whitley are THERE now! - Anne & Whitley Strieber are in the UK seeing them in person RIGHT NOW, so you can be sure that they'll have lots to talk about during our next subscriber chat on August... continued

Fish Eaters

July 28, 2010
Are they out of luck? - One reason we're all so concerned about the BP oil spill is that humans have been subsisting on fish for a very long time. Archeologists working in Kenya unearthed evidence that our human ancestors... continued

Global Warming: Can We Spray it Away?

July 28, 2010
A group of scientists, venture capitalists and conservative think tanks is talking about solving the climate change problem by injecting sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to counter climate change. Is it safe to put such a big project into the... continued

Oceans Heating Up

July 27, 2010
Here's something we'd better not forget: There's enough heat stored in the ocean to heat up the Earth as if 500 100-watt light bulbs were turned on at the same time by each of the 6.7 billion people on the... continued