Shadow of Stonehenge

July 27, 2010
The "shadow" of a small wooden version of the Stonehenge monument has been found about half a mile away from the Stonehenge site (which is in the center of crop circle country). It offers the promise of much more exact... continued

The Kids are All Right

July 27, 2010
The popularity of the movie "The Kids are All Right" prompts many people to ask: Should the sexual orientation of prospective adoptive parents be considered when placing children in adoptive homes? According to a new study, the answer may be... continued

Bug Brains

July 26, 2010
Insects may have tiny brains the size of a pinhead, but the latest research shows just how clever they really are. Will the future Earth be controlled by intelligent insects? Scientists have discovered that surrealistic experiences increase human brainpower and... continued

Come Meet Whitley in Person TODAY

July 23, 2010
On Sat., July 24 in Los Angeles - Whitley Strieber will sign copies of his new novel The Omega Point at Dark Delicacies bookstore at 3512 W. Magnolia Blvd. in Burbank, California at 2 pm on Saturday, July 24. Come... continued

Ancient Intelligent Beings

July 23, 2010
Different from us? - It's easy to forget that there have been many small beings, such as fairies, leprechauns and trolls, in the legends of many cultures. In his contact experiences, Whitley has seen small Grays, as well as short,... continued

Signal from Sapce

July 23, 2010
Never heard again - We send signals out into space, but we never seem to get a response--except for ONCE, over 30 years ago. When we try to talk to them, we need to remember that the reason for their... continued

Can Big Biz Make Money PROTECTING Nature?

July 22, 2010
Something we can't let ourselves forget is that companies are always trying to make a profit, sometimes in nefarious ways. Instead of simply exploiting the environment, companies may be able to make a profit helping to SAVE it. It turns... continued

Music Helps Us Evolve

July 21, 2010
Music plays a part in our evolution (as well as climate change!), because learning to play a musical instrument changes the brain in ways that lead to improved learning and understanding of language. In, Rachael Rettner reports that musicians... continued

Bees: What’s the Latest Buzz?

July 20, 2010
Are they still disappearing? - Scientists thought they had the mystery of the declining number of bees solved, but other researchers don't agree with them: They think Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) can be traced to cell phones. But the bees... continued

More on Chinese UFO

July 20, 2010
According to the Chinese "People's Daily," the Chinese have discovered the identity of the UFO that closed down the airport recently. But they WON'T TELL US, saying only (through an anonymous government source) that "It was not the proper time... continued