Afghanistan Mineral Wealth NOT

July 6, 2010
In the June 19th issue of the UK magazine "The Spectator," John C. Hulsman and Jaakko Kooroshy state their opinion that the "good news" of trillions in mineral wealth in Afghanistan is just part of the propaganda war of Obama... continued

How to Make the Right Decision

July 5, 2010
Sleep on it - Don't make a decision (like telling what you know about UFOs) until you sleep on it. People who sleep after processing and storing a memory carry out their intentions much better than people who try to... continued

Life on Moon of Saturn?

July 2, 2010
Scientists have found evidence that there is life on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. Primitive bacteria there may be breathing the atmosphere and feeding on the surface, which is covered with mountains, lakes and rivers. Astronomers call it the... continued

Shoe Power

July 2, 2010
Thanks to the shoe bomber, we all now have to remove our shoes at the airport, but there may be a GOOD type of shoe power! An engineer is developing a tiny sensor that fits inside the sole of a... continued

Why No One Laughs at Your Jokes Anymore

July 2, 2010
People get Botox injections in order to remove facial wrinkles (but it doesn't always work), and there's a joke going around that the actresses who use it are no longer able to express their emotions, since their faces are too... continued

MORE Oil Spills in the Future

July 1, 2010
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is not simply a random accident. Is it a conspiracy? There will be more of these spills to in the future, because the days of easy oil are over. Anthropologist... continued

How to RUIN Your Beach Vacation

July 1, 2010
As summer rolls around, many of us are planning to travel to a vacation spot on a plane, often to a beach, where we'll lie out in the sun. But this is not always safe--even if you use SUNSCREEN! What's... continued

Car Cancer

July 1, 2010
While drivers have to worry about speed traps and traffic jams, almost nobody considers the effects of prolonged sun exposure from driving. (NOTE: Subscribers get to chat with David Sereda on August 14!) It's a kind of CARma that happens... continued

Prehistoric Sex

June 30, 2010
As might be expected, sex was the main driving force in evolution (although not all prehistoric creatures were sexy). In today's world, how fast we modern humans can judge whether or not someone of the opposite sex is looking at... continued

BP Not the Only One

June 30, 2010
BP is not the only oil company to ruin the environment due to careless drilling. When Texaco (which later merged with Chevron) drilled in the rainforest in Ecuador from the early 1960s until 1992, they created what has been described... continued