How Bullies Plan Their Attacks

June 24, 2010
If there's one change we all want in the future, it's no more "Columbine"-type mass murders in schools. We all hate bullies and scientists have discovered that they are more likely to attack fat kids, who already have plenty of... continued

The Whaling Scandal

June 24, 2010
The Japanese have an insatiable appetite for whale meat, to the extent that they have bribed officials in 6 small nations with cash (and prostitutes!) in order to gain their votes for their whale hunts. 6 countries were willing to... continued

Combat Climate Change

June 23, 2010
PLANT FLOWERS! - The future world would be a more beautiful place if we all planted more flowers. In fact, the world is a cooler, wetter place right now because of flowering plants, so they are an important weapon against... continued

TIDAL WAVE of UFO Disclosure

June 22, 2010
Worldwide! - There's a virtual tidal wave of UFO disclosure going on, now that countries like the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Uruguay, Russia, and New Zealand are releasing their classified UFO documents. In fact, News 3 in New Zealand reports that... continued

BIGGER Disaster Ahead?

June 22, 2010
There may be ominous news in our future, because there is increasing evidence that something even more frightening than the oil spill is happening on the ocean floor of the Gulf of Mexico. We know that there's a danger of... continued

Whitley on Coast to Coast AM TONIGHT

June 21, 2010
Whitley will be onCoast to Coast AM at 11 pm on Monday, June 21,talking about his new novel "The Omega Point," which will be in bookstores on June 22nd. To find out where to listen in your area, clickhere. To... continued

Cleaning Up Terrorism

June 21, 2010
One of the main things we worry about in the future is another terrorist attack. Dhiren Barot was an al Qaeda operative involved in plots to blow up the London subway, among other targets. To maximize the damage and the... continued

What if the Oil Leak Never Stops?

June 21, 2010
There is a lot that we're not being told about the BP oil spill, and one of these things may be that the spill is unstoppable. Of course, the leak will stop eventually when the oil runs out, but no... continued

Father’s Day

June 18, 2010
Gay Dads are Dads too - Time passes: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Dad with a baby carriage (but not if you're in a gay partnership). However, this is gradually changing and the kids are doing just... continued

Dominant Dads

June 18, 2010
Do you remember your Dad as being a dominant male? There's something in the faces of brown-eyed white men that makes them seem more dominant than blue-eyed men, and it ISN'T their eye color. Researchers asked a group of over... continued