Crop (and Human) Damage

June 14, 2010
Both mysterious - What's going on? The flu virus moves around--now Lyme disease is doing the same. And humans aren't the only ones in trouble: Small dots are appearing without explanation on plants in Tennessee that seem to "burn" through... continued

Mind Control

June 11, 2010
By intelligent machines - The Master of the Key told Whitley, "If I was an intelligent machine, I would deceive you." Well, intelligent machines are only one of the new things that are coming our way! The H Plus website... continued


June 11, 2010
Can luck really influence the outcome of events? Athletes clearly think so: Many baseball players have talismans they carry around with them and perform elaborate rituals before getting up to bat. Investors are also superstitious (and their lucky charms haven't... continued

The Future of Film

June 11, 2010
What's coming up in the future? From its heyday in the 1950s to its current resurgence, 3-D technology has gone from a cinematic gimmick to a box-office gold mine. James Cameron's Avatar, heralded for its creation of a three-dimensional fantasy... continued

Baby Poison

June 10, 2010
Using the television as a babysitter is a BAD idea: The more TV a 2-year-old toddler watches, the more likely it is that they will do badly at school or be unhealthy years later, at age 10. A study of... continued

Helium 3 Shortage

June 10, 2010
We need to get to the moon! - There is an alarming worldwide shortage of Helium 3, a byproduct that is critical to industries such as nuclear detection, oil and gas, and medical diagnostics. Despite the recession, maybe we'd better... continued

TWO MORE Oil Leaks

June 10, 2010
In same area as the BP spill! - The huge BP oil spill off the coast of Florida has focused our minds on problems with offshore drilling, but it turns out that oil leaks into the Gulf regularly from other... continued

The Latest on the Oil Spill

June 9, 2010
Bacteria & information lockdown? - Bacteria are the only hope for cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. BP needs to let billions of hydrocarbon-chewing microbes loose in the gulf that that's probably what they plan to... continued


June 9, 2010
AT LAST: Male birth control may actually become a reality. And it will (of course) be reversible. A blast of ultrasound to the testicles can safely stop sperm production for 6 months. BBC News quotes researcher James Tsuruta as saying,... continued

How to Stay in Shape

June 8, 2010
Laugh & eat chocolate - Laughter is a highly complex process. Joyous or mirthful laughter is considered a positive stress that leads to a positive effect on health. It can help you STAY IN SHAPE! And if you're not laughing... continued