An Amazing New App

April 16, 2010
For your smartphone - Science triumphs again! If you've got a "smartphone," which is the "Swiss Army Knife" of cell phones, you're probably constantly looking for new "apps" to buy for it. Here's one you didn't expect: an app that... continued

This Could be Why We Seem So Alone

April 15, 2010
Science is exploring whether or not our universe could be located within the interior of a wormhole which itself is part of a black hole that lies within a much larger universe. If so, it could explain why we seem... continued

Can Sushi Alter Your Genes?

April 15, 2010
It turns out that there are more problems with dining on sushi than just the fear of eating an endangered mammal. According to scientists, eating hot dogs can lead to genetic changes, but can it be the same for a... continued

Anne’s Diary: Staying Open

April 15, 2010
In her new diary, Anne Strieber explains why she isn't happy with the current crop of "paranormal" films. She writes: "While 'Avatar,' like the earlier film 'The Matrix,' will inspire a new generation of paranormal-style films, there are many thousands... continued

Near Death Experiences

April 14, 2010
All in the blood? - There is some interesting science to be found out there: It turns out that near-death experiences (NDEs) are reported by between 11 and 23% of people who come close to death (NOTE: Subscribers can still... continued

Saved from Superbugs

April 14, 2010
A big step for science: One small country has solved the problem of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, which are a major problem in hospitals. How? By NOT prescribing any antibiotics! Most superbugs originate in hospitals, where many people are taking antibiotics, and... continued

In the Past it was Fast

April 13, 2010
Scientists are trying to understand the impending changes in our climate by studying what happened in the past. When Whitley asked the Master of the Key why climate change will occur in the future, he replied, "Because air at the... continued

Is Charity Catching?

April 13, 2010
Do a few simple acts of charity inspire others to do the same? We've all noticed that BAD acts seem to inspire more of the same, but what about the good things that get done? Researchers have found the first... continued

It’s OK to Do It

April 13, 2010
IF you're a supertasker - Psychologists have found a small group of people with an extraordinary ability to multitask: Unlike almost everyone they've studied, they can safely drive while chatting on a cell phone (although it's against the LAW in... continued

Older & Wiser

April 12, 2010
It's really true! - Old people (with gray hair) have bad memories, right? It's not as simple as that. A new study has found evidence that the older brain's weakened ability to filter out irrelevant information may actually give aging... continued