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Something Strange
May 4, 2010Under the ocean near California - 700 feet deep in the waters off Santa Barbara in California, a group of football-field-sized asphalt domes pave the bottom of the ocean. They are unlike any other underwater features known to exist--are they... continued
May 3, 2010It's happening again: A near-Earth asteroid named 2005 YU55, which is on the list of potentially dangerous asteroids, was observed with the Arecibo Telescope's planetary radar on April 19, 2010 when it was about 1.5 million miles from the Earth,... continued
Time to QUIT!
May 3, 2010Smoking is a worldwide epidemic, an emergency situation that builds slowly, while the smoker isn't noticing. This means it's time to quit! We once gave you the advice to go cold turkey, but now it turns out that gradually cutting... continued
UFOs Visit Cities Worldwide
April 30, 2010UFOs have shown up at a Walmart in North Carolina and also in China, where most of the items FOR SALE in Walmart are manufactured! An Internet user calling himself Hua Jiuju in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province posted a photo of... continued
Spring Fever
April 30, 2010What is it? Is it real? - There's an old song that describes "spring fever" as a feeling of befuddlement. Symptoms include daydreaming, falling in love and having the irrepressible urge to stay outside all day. Is this areal problem... continued
911 Broke Our Hearts
April 29, 2010In more ways than one - The World Trade Center (WTC) collapse on 911 has caused potentially dangerous heart problems in responders on-site. Researcher Lori Croft says that her study "showed that responders have impaired diastolic function of both the... continued
Something Stinks!
April 29, 2010But we humans can't smell it - Odors that represent food or indicate danger are capable of altering an animal's lifespan (and ours too?) by activating a small number of highly specialized sensory neurons in our brains. Does this mean... continued
Drive Your Car Using Only Your Eyes
April 28, 2010You will soon be able to operate your TV and stereo with a wave of your hand and control your ear buds with your eyes, but will it be safe to drive your car using your eyes alone? German researchers... continued
Food Stores Inferior in Poor Neighborhoods
April 27, 2010Poor can't eat well if they can't buy good food - Even if they stick to the center, people in poor neighborhoods often have trouble buying healthy food, just like they have problems buying safe cars. No one wants a... continued
Hawking warns: Alien Contact Could be Dangerous
April 27, 2010Will they be intelligent machines? Quantum physicist Stephen Hawking thinks that it's "perfectly rational" to assume that intelligent life exists elsewhere else in the universe. But he thinks aliens should do everything possible to avoid making contact with them. Hawking... continued