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Climate Change: Missing Heat
April 20, 2010What's going on here? Much of the substance that makes up our universe appears to be missing, and the same thing is true for climate change. Scientists can only account for roughly half of the heat that is believed to... continued
Volcanic Eruption Strands Europe
April 19, 2010Could last for weeks or even months. - On Thursday, April 14 thousands flights out of many European airports were shut down due to a huge cloud of volcanic ash from an eruption in Iceland. Eyjafjallajokull is astratovolcano like Mt.... continued
New Shape for UFOs?
April 19, 2010Mysterious, U-shaped UFOs have shown up in two places that are far apart: the UK and Kentucky. Sightings of triangle-shaped craft are quite common, but this is a fairly new phenomenon. There were two of these sightings in the UK... continued
The Best Drug Cure
April 19, 2010Curiosity - Curiosity may have killed the cat, but scientists think it may cure the addict. It's a far out idea, but it happens to be true. The brain's innate interest in the new and different may help defeat the... continued
Surprising Fact About Something Sad
April 16, 2010Suicide - By the 1990s, the science of psychiatry in the US had focused its attention on depression, which has hit one profession especially hard. Your pet dog can give you clues about your community's health, but what about your... continued
Can Twitter Control the Box Office?
April 16, 2010There's a science of show biz! Twitter may be a tool that can not only predict which films will be hits (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), but one which may actually be able to create an audience... continued
An Amazing New App
April 16, 2010For your smartphone - Science triumphs again! If you've got a "smartphone," which is the "Swiss Army Knife" of cell phones, you're probably constantly looking for new "apps" to buy for it. Here's one you didn't expect: an app that... continued
Can Sushi Alter Your Genes?
April 15, 2010It turns out that there are more problems with dining on sushi than just the fear of eating an endangered mammal. According to scientists, eating hot dogs can lead to genetic changes, but can it be the same for a... continued
Anne’s Diary: Staying Open
April 15, 2010In her new diary, Anne Strieber explains why she isn't happy with the current crop of "paranormal" films. She writes: "While 'Avatar,' like the earlier film 'The Matrix,' will inspire a new generation of paranormal-style films, there are many thousands... continued
This Could be Why We Seem So Alone
April 15, 2010Science is exploring whether or not our universe could be located within the interior of a wormhole which itself is part of a black hole that lies within a much larger universe. If so, it could explain why we seem... continued