Large Hadron Collider Disappears

April 1, 2010
Just days after achieving the highest energy particlecollision in history, the Large Hadron Collider hasdisappeared from the face of the earth. Swiss officials atfirst explored the idea that the collider might have beenstolen. But this seems improbable, due to the... continued

Anne’s Diary: I was an Angel for Easter

April 1, 2010
In her newest diary, Anne Strieber writes: "A few years ago, I wrote about meeting an angel in a Kinko's copy shop. This time around, I was an angel for SOMEBODY ELSE, although I didn't realize it until later." It's... continued

Dangerous Brains

March 31, 2010
The brains of psychopaths are wired to keep seeking a reward at any cost, which is why they do such awful things to the rest of us. And A person can reach a high level of spiritual development without being... continued

Is Italy Next?

March 31, 2010
Has God got something ELSE in store for us? Italy may be the next site for a huge natural disaster. Europe's largest undersea volcano could explode, creating a tsunami that would engulf southern Italy at any time. An Italian vulcanologist... continued


March 30, 2010
Is it natural? - Is this some kind of strange conspiracy? Scientists are studying monogamy because they want to know why couples do (or don't) stay together for a long time. They've found some frogs that might show them the... continued

Fewer Suicide Bombers

March 30, 2010
if marriage customs changed - Suicide bombers are recruited through a sad kind of conspiracy: According to promises made in the Quran, "When a martyr for Allah takes his place in Paradise, he will marry beautiful-eyed young women, will be... continued

Something ELSE Odd on Mars

March 30, 2010
There are lots of strange things on Mars. For instance, NASA's Opportunity rover has spotted strange coatings on rocks beside a young Martian crater. Is this some kind of conspiracy or just more high strangeness? The crater is about 30... continued

Bodies in the Streets?

March 29, 2010
As the recession drags on, are we going to see the dead bodies of homeless people lying about in the streets (a vision one would have once expected to see only in a third-world country like India)? Even if you... continued

Pollution: The Chinese Solution

March 29, 2010
Instead of helping us by importing cars from the US (which would help our ailing car manufacturers), the Chinese are helping stem their pollution problem by getting back on their bikes (which may help THEIR overpopulation problem!) There are now... continued

Is Your Boss Eating Too Many Sweets?

March 29, 2010
Something suspicious is going on: Although they are supposed to be brainy, our bankers have not been making a lot of bad decisions lately. Is this because they've been on a diet? It's always hard to wait for an investment... continued