New Kind of Terrorism

March 22, 2010
Our enemies are figuring out new ways to attack us all the time: There will be new forms of terrorism in the future, and one of these could be a cyberattack, which could knock out both cell phones and computers.... continued

Music Magic

March 22, 2010
Teaching stroke victims who have lost the ability to speak to sing again can "rewire" their brains so they can speak again as well. And music isn't just important for the old: Neuroscientists now think that music training should start... continued

Nurse Fights!

March 19, 2010
If you thought the biggest problems you could face in the hospital were boredom (from time passing slowly) and getting a superbug, think again: You may find yourself in the middle of a FIST FIGHT! Researchers think that measures are... continued

New Way to I.D. Criminals (and Everyone Else)

March 19, 2010
The nose knows! - We already have iris and fingerprint scanning to determine I.D., but nose scanning could work even better, and it might make it quicker to get through that security line at the airport. Or what if you... continued

UFO Captured on Google Earth?

March 19, 2010
It had to happen sometime: Google Earth once captured an image of the Loch Ness Monster and now it appears to have spotted a UFO in the UK! To see what YOU think, 1.53223&sspn=0.000923,0.002411&ie=UTF8&hq=Orford+Castle&hnear=Orford+Castle,+Orford,+IP12+2,+UK&t=h&layer=c&cbll=52.094086,1.532043&panoid=WA0x9D7EVGM9FWDx-4TTvA&cbp=12,251.72,,0,-16.7&ll=52.094,1.532035&spn=0,359.998128&z=19,click here. One of our film analysis... continued

Are Insects Superorganisms?

March 18, 2010
Are the Grays the same thing? - Are the Grays actually an evolutionary form of hive insects from the future? Anne Strieber addresses this theory in our first Dreamland of 2010 (NOTE: subscriberscan still listen to this show). For more... continued

Mysterious Mummy Graveyard in Tibet

March 18, 2010
Buried in a desert inside their BOATS - 200 mummies with Western features have been found buried in an isolated graveyard in Tibet. The graveyard is in the middle of a desert, yet they were buried inside their overturned boats... continued

It Started With a Hummingbird

March 18, 2010
In Anne Strieber's new diary, she writes: "It all started with a visit from a hummingbird." But then her adventure CONTINUED, with remarkable dreams, synchronicities and time shifts. If you love Anne's diaries and Whitley'sJournals, support this site: Subscribe today!... continued

Waiting List

March 17, 2010
What costs $75,000 and (despite the recession) already has a waiting list? A personal flying machine you can carry around in a backpack like a folding bike. Even if you have to wait to get it, it's a great way... continued

ET Life

March 17, 2010
It's about time we discovered if there's life anywhere else in the galaxy. India's lunar spacecraft has discovered that there are thick deposits of ice near the moon's north pole, meaning that if astronauts set up a colony there, they... continued