Can We Grow a New Brain?

February 18, 2010
It's not a medical conspiracy, it's something researchers are really working on: Can we grow new body parts, the way some animals do? Can Alzheimer's patients grow a new BRAIN? Scientists have turned skin cells from mice tails into neurons... continued


February 17, 2010
They ride the wind! - As spring arrives (slowly in some places), we are starting to see the return of our favorite birds and butterflies. Researchers are studying how these tiny creatures are able to make long-distance migrations for thousands... continued

Drink Green Tea for Cancer

February 17, 2010
AND eat soy! - A lot of natural medicines turn out to be green and one of the best of these is green tea. The recession has something to do with this too: Green tea and soy are the types... continued


February 16, 2010
It's hard to feel sorry for sharks, and there's a lot of new information about them. Some of it makes one feel sorry for them, while other news makes us feel that maybe they ought to all be destroyed. For... continued

The Nasty Truth About GM Foods

February 16, 2010
Here's news you won't find in your ordinary media: The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) says that genetically-modified foods pose "a serious health risk," and has called for an immediate US moratorium on all GM foods. The trouble is,... continued

Were We Smarter Before?

February 16, 2010
There's evidence that we were - Whitley Strieber has often discussed evidence that a great human civilization collapsed between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago, and now there is evidence that human beings were also much smarter then. Two researchers say... continued

Valentine’s Day Greetings from Anne & Whitley

February 15, 2010
A new diary and a new journal - As they did 7 years ago , Anne and Whitley have exchanged Valentine's Day greetings in their Journal and diary and they want to share them with you too. If you love... continued


February 12, 2010
Men & Women have different kinds - Men and women seem to react differently when it comes to philandering spouses. Hilary Clinton was objective about her husband's sexual adventures but decided to "stand by her man" anyway, while most of... continued

Another Kind of Love

February 12, 2010
On Valentine's Day, we like to examine what's new. There are all kinds of couples, but male homosexuality doesn't make complete sense from an evolutionary point of view, because since gay men are much less likely to produce offspring than... continued

What is it about Men & Shopping?

February 12, 2010
If you're waiting for your Valentine's Day present - The stereotype of a man's reluctance to ask for driving directions holds true when he goes shopping as well: Women are much more likely to seek out other people, including store... continued