Big One Coming Right Here in the US!

January 27, 2010
UPDATE: Warning from CA Senator - The quake in Haiti didn't generate a tsunami, but we could be due for one right here in the US. There are only 2 places in the US where an earthquake could generate a... continued

What to Look for Tonight

January 27, 2010
In Obama's State of the Union speech - In January of 2008, we wrote about George Bush's upcoming State of the Union speech that a certified movement analyst would be watching it in a special way. A researcher gave us... continued

At Least There Was No Tsunami

January 26, 2010
The recent earthquake in Haiti was caused by an underwater earthquake. Thankfully, it did not cause a tsunami (giant wave), but scientists would like to know how to detect these waves before they hit, so that lives can be saved... continued

When UFOs Stop Cars

January 26, 2010
What may be happening - UFOs are well known for stopping cars dead as they hover above them. How do they do it? Car chases are common on the nightly news in Los Angeles, and they're also dangerous. If police... continued

Want a Better Brain?

January 26, 2010
Start exercising - The discovery that aerobic exercise builds brain cells should put an end to the stereotype of the dumb athlete. In, Lin Edwards reports that neuroscientists discovered this by studying the effects of running on the brains... continued

Buried in the Rubble in Haiti

January 25, 2010
FOUND by Tweeters in Boston! - According to the US Geological Society (USGS), the magnitude-7 earthquake of January 12 near Port-au-Prince, Haiti, has generated a sharp increase in concerns about the potential for future earthquakes in Haiti and the surrounding... continued

What the NFL Can Learn from Science

January 25, 2010
Just in time for the Superbowl! - The Superbowl is coming up soon, and baseball science may give NFL players some valuable tips on how to catch a ball while on the run, something that's essential in football. When the... continued

Yes, It Really IS Medicine

January 25, 2010
More news about marijuana medicine: Combining the two most common compounds in Marijuana may boost the effectiveness of treatments to inhibit the growth of brain cancer cells and increase the number of brain cancer cells that die off. Doctors think... continued

Brain Hacking

January 22, 2010
Whitley has an implant from the Visitors that he's still learning how to use (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this Dreamland show). One of the latest inventions is an implant that can be placed inside the brain of a... continued

Bee Mystery SOLVED

January 22, 2010
The mystery of the worrisome decline in the numbers of bees needed to pollinate plants may have been solved: It all comes down to modern farming methods. Modern farmers, especially in the US where the problem is worst, tend to... continued