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What Will Happen
December 29, 2009If contact comes? - Will the Visitors reveal themselves soon? Whitley's new journal talks about why contact may not come until our brains are ready for it. And for subscribers, Anne Strieber explains how the Grays are CHANGING our brains... continued
Marijuana Munchies
December 29, 2009Most people will drink alcohol on New Year's Eve, but those who do something else may wonder where those marijuana munchies come from. People who smoke pot almost always raid the refrigerator afterwards, but what is it about marijuana that... continued
Cell Phones are OK
December 28, 2009They don't crash planes and now DEAF people can use them! - Good news for the New Year: One thing we're all doing a lot of during this holiday season is talking on the phone. For those who are deaf... continued
TWO New Journals from Whitley
December 28, 2009Happy New Year! - Our subscribers received a couple of great Christmas presents this year, and now we have a New Year's present for EVERYONE who loves this website and our great radio shows and podcasts. First, a post-Christmas message... continued
How to Save Our Cities
December 28, 2009Plant trees! - One of the most important things we can do to save our cities from global warming in the future is to plant more trees now. Researcher Brian Stone says, "Across the US as a whole, approximately 50%... continued
December 24, 2009Next step is machine intelligence - Quantum physicist Stephen Hawking says humans have entered a new phase of evolution, one that will be continued by our creation of intelligent machines. Evolution is one of the topics discussed in the Lloyd... continued
When Stars Explode
December 24, 2009New research suggests studying the shape of the aftermath of supernovas (exploding stars) may allow astronomers to figure out what caused them (before the same thing happens to our sun?) A new study of images from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory... continued
Dark Matter
December 24, 2009Found in a cave? - Scientists have gotten a big Christmas present: Researchers at the Dept. of Energy's Fermilab near Chicago have detected signals of what CERN is looking so hard for: that elusive substance known as dark matter. And... continued
It’s not Road Rage, it’s
December 23, 2009Wrap rage! - According to a poll of Pennsylvania adults, about 17% experienced an injury or knows someone who was injured while opening gifts during past seasons. Wrap rage is defined as anger brought on by the frustration of trying... continued
Is Christmas Dinner Dangerous?
December 23, 2009It's Christmas time and it's evil corn yet again! When you eat that Christmas dinner, remember this: A diet high in fructose increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. And it doesn't take a lot of fruit: The high... continued