The Problem Isn’t Drinking & Driving

January 1, 2010
It's drinking & WALKING - At New Year's, we're all warned about drinking and driving, but the truth is that drinking and walking can be just as dangerous. Researcher Thomas Esposito says, "Alcohol impairs your physical ability to walk AND... continued

New Year’s Eve: What to Drink

December 30, 2009
And what NOT to! - When you're planning your New Year's Eve celebration, remember this: Drinking whiskey will give you a worse hangover than drinking vodka. If you're a man, maybe it's best to stick to beer: It's good for... continued

Why Do We Postpone Pleasure?

December 30, 2009
As New Year's rolls around again, we should all resolve to be happy. But why do so many of us put off pleasure until the future instead of enjoying ourselves now? Have recent shocks like 911 (note:subscribers can still listen... continued

Flood Plugs

December 29, 2009
If waterworld is our path in the future, we may ALL need levees to keep away the water, and if they fail, like they did in New Orleans during Katrina, we'll need PLUGS. Researcher Wil Laska has invented technology to... continued

Those Nasty Sprays

December 29, 2009
Let's try to make 2010 an organic year! Pesticides can be dangerous in surprising ways: For instance, Insecticide exposure may increase the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis and lupus in post-menopausal women. Farming and agricultural pesticide exposure has been linked... continued

What Will Happen

December 29, 2009
If contact comes? - Will the Visitors reveal themselves soon? Whitley's new journal talks about why contact may not come until our brains are ready for it. And for subscribers, Anne Strieber explains how the Grays are CHANGING our brains... continued

Marijuana Munchies

December 29, 2009
Most people will drink alcohol on New Year's Eve, but those who do something else may wonder where those marijuana munchies come from. People who smoke pot almost always raid the refrigerator afterwards, but what is it about marijuana that... continued

Cell Phones are OK

December 28, 2009
They don't crash planes and now DEAF people can use them! - Good news for the New Year: One thing we're all doing a lot of during this holiday season is talking on the phone. For those who are deaf... continued

TWO New Journals from Whitley

December 28, 2009
Happy New Year! - Our subscribers received a couple of great Christmas presents this year, and now we have a New Year's present for EVERYONE who loves this website and our great radio shows and podcasts. First, a post-Christmas message... continued

How to Save Our Cities

December 28, 2009
Plant trees! - One of the most important things we can do to save our cities from global warming in the future is to plant more trees now. Researcher Brian Stone says, "Across the US as a whole, approximately 50%... continued