Why City People Get Depressed

December 21, 2009
Too much light at night! - If you find yourself staying up late waiting for Santa, here's something you should know: Too much light at night can lead to symptoms of depression. Most intensive care units are brightly lit all... continued

How to Have a Joyful Christmas

December 21, 2009
Don't try so hard so hard to be happy - It may sound crazy, but it's true: It's the pressure to be happy that often leads to sadness and even depression during the holidays. Psychologist Samuel Gladding is on a... continued

Having Trouble Singing While Pregnant?

December 21, 2009
Here's why - You'll need your voice to sing to your baby after he or she is born, but if you're having trouble singing Christmas carols while pregnant, don't be surprised. One of the most dramatic hormonal fluctuations occurs during... continued

Songs of the Whales

December 18, 2009
Sounds like they're worried - Whales aren't singing the way they used to. Their voices become deeper every year, and scientists are worried that this may be a sign that they're in trouble. The same thing is happening to whales... continued

Yellowstone: About to Blow?

December 18, 2009
New detailed seismic images of the "plumbing" that feeds the Yellowstone supervolcano shows a plume of hot and molten rock rising at an angle from the northwest at a depth of at least 410 miles. Does this mean it's about... continued

That Mysterious Underwater City

December 18, 2009
Off the coast of Cuba - French underwater archaeologists have told a Paris newspaper that they have discovered submerged ruins off the coast of Cuba while examining satellite imagery. In 2001 French/Russian explorer Pauline Zelitsky, operating in the Caribbean near... continued

Baseball Problems

December 17, 2009
Isn't the season over? - Who's thinking of baseball now? We have basketballand football to watch. But with the annual winter baseball meetings under way, fans wonder whether the expensive long-term contracts their favorite team gives to big name free... continued

Psychics Killed in Middle East

December 17, 2009
It's hard to go on fighting for democracy in Islamic countries, when people are being killed in these places for witchcraft and (now) for being a psychic. On the Paranormal Review website, Roy Stemman writes about a business trip to... continued

Is Your Neighborhood Healthy?

December 17, 2009
Your neighborhood may be gaily decorated, with Christmas lights on every house, but is it a healthy place to live? Not if there's a Meth lab nearby! When authorities discover a "meth house," they decontaminate it by removing chemicals, getting... continued

Life on the Moon

December 16, 2009
We've already found water on the moon and now scientists from India say they've found signs of life there as well. The instruments on their first unmanned lunar mission, Chandrayaan-1, picked up signs of carbon, the main building block of... continued