Want to Save Money on Black Friday?

November 25, 2009
Eat turkey on Thursday! - Eating a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and mashed potatoes makes consumers less likely to buy on impulse, which might affect the outcome of their shopping on Black Friday, historically one of the busiest retail... continued

Beware: TV Makes You Fat

November 25, 2009
What's the secret of success of people who lose lots of weight and keep it off for many years, despite all the delicious Thanksgiving dinners they eat? (Anne Strieber has done this and you can too!) When you push away... continued


November 24, 2009
With all the bad news we hear every day, it's no wonder we get grumpy! Thank goodness being grumpy is good, and it's even good for your health! A psychologist has discovered that being grumpy makes people think more clearly.... continued

Can We Predict the Next Recession?

November 24, 2009
Life has not been too cheerful lately. The recent financial crisis prompted a renewed interest among economists to construct an "early warning system" but a new study concludes that out of 65 potential causes of a global economic meltdown, few... continued

Many Universes

November 24, 2009
We can see light coming from distant worlds. How many universes are there? The Master of the Key said there are many and science has recently corroborated this. (Let's hope that most of them are doing better than we are)!... continued

Can We Live Forever?

November 23, 2009
Without becoming machines or mole rats? In times like these, it's something to think about. Many contactees have written that they saw alien beings putting on and taking off bodies, with stacks of these bodies folded in drawers and stacked... continued

Coral: Going, Going, GONE?

November 23, 2009
Why we should care - Alas, more bad news: Coral reefs are turning white and dying. This not only bad for the fish that depend on them, it's bad for humans: The resulting lost in tourism could cost millions of... continued

Mysterious Light at the Edge of the Galaxy

November 23, 2009
It may not be blue, but it's THERE: At the border between our solar system and the rest of the galaxy, NASA's new Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft, launched in October, has spotted a band of mysterious high-energy emissions. On... continued

Basketball: Mathematicians Prove Umps Not Fair

November 20, 2009
And how to succeed at free throws - It's not occult magic, it's straight science: Lots of interesting things have arrived and one of these is the basketball season. Two engineers have figured out the best way to shoot a... continued

Can’t Get the Swine Flu Vaccine?

November 20, 2009
You may already have some immunity - We may not have immunity from war and politics, but at least researchers have found that previous influenza infections may provide at least some level of immunity to the H1N1 Swine Flu. As... continued