Why Misers are Mostly Male

November 4, 2009
Men have more trouble coping in a recession than women do. Could this be because testosterone makes them more miserly? In New Scientist, Ewen Callaway quotes neuroeconomist Karen Redwine as saying, "Our broad conclusion is that testosterone causes men essentially... continued

Is Time an Illusion?

November 4, 2009
The slo-mo & wagon wheel illusions - Is time just an illusion? We have more and more evidence that this is the case. In order to understand how our brains work, Subscribers get to listen to the paper that Anne... continued

CERN Could be Dangerous

November 3, 2009
Some questions are so hard to answer that we have to really think about them (Anne Strieber reads her paper about this for subscribers this week). For instance, if time travel exists, why can't we go back in time and... continued

Will the Earth Recover?

November 3, 2009
After what we humans have done to it? - Will the earth ever recover from climate changeand pollution? Will WE survive? It turns out that the earth may recover but many of the animals on it won't. It's happened before:... continued

No, You Can’t be Fat & Fit

November 3, 2009
Football player early deaths show it's not possible - As the baseball season winds up for the year, we turn our attention to the NFL. Today's athletes are bigger than ever, and size and strength can mean the difference between... continued

Control ‘Em with Smell

November 2, 2009
If their students are behaving badly, teachers should spray some air freshener into the classroom and that may solve the problem. If you work in an office, maybe you should secretly spray some in the boss's office while he's out... continued

Vaccines Probably not Autism Cause

November 2, 2009
Sometimes bad things happen, but here's something GOOD to know now that more of the Swine Flu vaccine is finally being released: A recent study published in a peer-reviewed journal found that 2 to 5 year old children diagnosed with... continued

How Weirdness Leads to Logic

November 2, 2009
At the Stargate Conference, Anne Strieber told how people who have had contact with seeming "aliens" usually describe their experiences in strange, almost surrealistic terms. This one of the things that separates real contact from created contact stories, but it... continued

What’s wrong with Horror Movies?

October 30, 2009
This Halloween season, most of the current horror flicks are a bore. Some of them are actually (unintentionally) funny. Maybe the problem is that Americans have too many real things to be scared about. Pop culture guru Rob Weiner says,... continued

Halloween: The Newest BIG Holiday

October 30, 2009
What makes it so popular? - Halloween 2009 is expected to be a $4.75 billion retail event in the United States. And while that's down about a billion from last year due to the economy, it still gives retailers hope.... continued