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What is HARPS?
October 23, 2009HARPS is not the same as the mysterious Alaskan installation known as HAARP, which is mentioned in this week's Dreamland. HARPS, located in Chile, stands for High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher and is part of the huge ESO international... continued
No Littering in Space
October 22, 2009Space is getting as crowded as a public beach in the summer, with everyone heading for the moon and leaving their trash behind. It's time to set up some international rules! How best to cope with the rising tide of... continued
October 22, 2009Stop polluting & start stopping - Do you get riled when you see drivers coast through stop signs, as if they were just a "suggestion?" Some experts think that stop signs are part of the problem instead of a solution.... continued
The Laughing Buddha
October 22, 2009Anne's new diary UPDATE! - In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: "The Stargate Conference during the weekend of October 16- 18 was a time of incredible synchronicity for me, and some of it was downright funny. It started on... continued
Humans & Aliens May Have Same DNA
October 21, 2009And DNA is telepathic! - On the Discovery Channel website, Luke Mckinney reports that all DNA strands are built out of a set of 20 amino acids and scientists now think that the first 10 may occur throughout the universe,... continued
Will Water Someday Power our Cities?
October 21, 2009Coastal cities may soon be underwater. Before big cities drown, they should USE that water to make electricity! A group of architects have developed a proposal for a series of floating docks for New York City that would contain turbines... continued
A Surprising Way to Improve Your Brain
October 20, 2009We wouldn't need to build artificial brains if we could improve the ones we already have. Complex physical manipulations such as juggling produce major changes in white matter (basic structure) of our brains. Neurologists discovered this when they gave fMRI... continued
How Birds Protect Themselves
October 20, 2009In order to avoid the flu, we should all wash our hands often. Birds do the equivalent of this by adding material to their nests that repels germs. In LiveScience.com., Stephan Reebs reports that some birds add bits of strong-smelling... continued
Close Call!
October 20, 2009An asteroid passed between the earth and the moon on Friday, but NASA didn't find out about it until Thursday (or if they did, they didn't tell us). If it had impacted, it could have destroyed a major city. Maybe... continued
October 20, 2009Who would have thought that space science has the kind of secrets worth spying for? Stewart David Nozette, one of the NASA scientists who discovered that there is water on the moon, has been arrested as a spy for Israel,... continued