We See What We Want to See

October 5, 2009
When it come to the facial expressions - Seeing may be believing, but new research suggests that believing is seeing too, at least when it comes to perceiving other people's emotions. The way we initially think about the emotions of... continued

Mysterious Increase in Cosmic Rays

October 5, 2009
An echo of Whitley's new novel! - Whitley's latest novel The Omega Point, which will be published in June, is about energy from a distant supernova entering our solar system and gradually causing havoc. The leading edge of such an... continued

Another Reason Why Trucks are Dangerous

October 5, 2009
We know that the tiny particles in air pollution can clog our arteries, leading to heart attacks, but now researchers have found a connection between diesel emissions and cancer. We need to start running our trucks on biofuel! Diesel exhaust... continued

Parma Strikes Luzon, More Rain for Manila

October 2, 2009
Update: More Flooding Possible - Last week, Typhoon Ketsana deluged Manila and the central Philippines, leaving at least 240 dead and 400,000 homeless, and challenging both governmental and private relief services beyond the breaking point. And now it could get... continued

Another Time Slip

October 2, 2009
In his latest Journal, Whitley Strieber writes: "As I discussed in my As I discussed in my Night Thoughts audio file, my mind is changing. An example of what is happening came the other day when Anne and I were... continued

Sprawl Causes Storms

October 1, 2009
A city my be a world unto itself, but what happens if it is located in an area where it rains a lot? We assume that the rainy countryside surrounding some cities is that way because of where the areas... continued

Subscriber Shockers

October 1, 2009
Many of our listeners have written to tell us how much they enjoyed Anne Strieber's interview with William Henry in last week's subscriber section. In last Wednesday's subscriber chat, she confessed that the interview is a "a little bit shocking,"... continued

How to Build a Brain

October 1, 2009
An ARTIFICIAL brain! - Scientists are working to build a living computer. Maybe they ought to concentrate on creating an artificial brain instead (or are these the same thing?) Neuroscientists think that a machine that duplicates all the functions of... continued

Why Did They Walk Away?

September 30, 2009
Did it have something to do with 2012? - Ancient Mayan palaces have been discovered with their contents mysteriously intact, suggesting that the occupants simply walked away one day, leaving their possessions behind. They knew a lot, but they didn't... continued

See Peter Levenda on TV Tonight!

September 30, 2009
Popular Dreamland host Peter Levenda will be on The Nostradamus Effect, a new History Channel show which will premiere on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 9 pm Pacific. It's a show about how the prophecies of Nostradamus influenced Hitler: Don't miss... continued