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Why Did They Walk Away?
September 30, 2009Did it have something to do with 2012? - Ancient Mayan palaces have been discovered with their contents mysteriously intact, suggesting that the occupants simply walked away one day, leaving their possessions behind. They knew a lot, but they didn't... continued
Vitamin or Weed?
September 29, 2009We know that some weeds make the best biofuel, but now biologists have figured out how to turn kudzu, the fast growing weed that has gobbled up some 10 million acres in the Southeast, into a valuable dietary supplement for... continued
Smell Test
September 29, 2009When the space shuttle touched down in California instead of in Florida, due to bad weather, on the anniversary of 911, California residents who heard the sonic boom thought a bomb had gone off. Are we preparing for another potential... continued
It’s All in Your Head!
September 29, 2009You just have to FIND it - Many of us learn a foreign language in school, but we forget it later because we never get to hear it or practice it. But it HASN'T vanished from our brain, it's still... continued
Nuclear Bombs Hard to Make
September 28, 2009Thank goodness! - In light of the revelation (from some of the so-called "pirates" on board) that the recent hijacking of a Russian ship may have actually been a cover up for that country shipping a missile system to Iran... continued
Why Hurricanes Don’t Hit CA
September 28, 2009It's well known that when hurricanes hit land, there's a risk that tornadoes may form in the area. Tornadoes that occur from hurricanes moving inland from the Gulf Coast are increasing in frequency, reflecting an increase in size and frequency... continued
One Reason for the Secrecy
September 28, 2009Serious science reporters like Linda Moulton Howe have witnessed small orbs of light creating crop circles, yet the British government, where most of these appear, insists they are all manmade, and the US media goes along with this. Now we've... continued
Screening of Crop Circle Film Talked About on Dreamland
September 27, 2009TONIGHT! - Come watch the best film about crop circles that we've ever seen! Whitley will be there in person to introduce it. It will be shown on Sunday, September 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Downtown Independent Theater on... continued
Night Thoughts
September 25, 2009New audio from Whitley! - Whitley Strieber has just posted an astonishing audio description of new experiences he has been having. It is called "Night Thoughts" and a substantial portion of it is available at position 5 in the "Dreamland"... continued
UFO Shot Down in Iran
September 25, 2009Iran's military has shot down a UFO flying over the Persian Gulf. It's clear that the US is not the only world power trying to shoot them down (Note: Subscriberscan still listen to this incredible show. This week's Dreamland is... continued