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Greens are Good
September 23, 2009Green is good: We know that asparagus can help you get over a hangover. Now it turns out that other green vegetables can help protect you from heart disease. Heart attacks are often caused by fatty plaques that build up... continued
Keep Your Distance
September 23, 2009People from different cultures often do not always read each other right. One example of this is the distance that they stand apart when talking face to face to strangers or acquaintances. In some cultures, people stand much closer to... continued
Desperate Times Call For
September 22, 2009desperate measures? - One way of defeating climate change may be through geo-engineering. Suggestions include sending giant mirrors into space to reflect sunlight away from our plant to building gigantic "scrubbers" that would clean CO2 out of the air. Are... continued
How to Fix the Mortgage Problem
September 22, 2009In Whitley's dynamic new Journal, he returns to the subject of the recession and what can (and should be done) to fix the mortgage crisis. He writes, "Unfortunately, the financial crisis may not be over, and it is to be... continued
William Henry on Coast to Coast AM TONIGHT
September 22, 2009Tune in at 10 pm Pacific - Popular Revelations host William Henry will be on Coast to Coast AM on Tuesday, September 22, talking about the similarities between himself and his new book Freedom's Gate and Robert Langdon, the fictional... continued
It’s Not the Sunspots
September 21, 2009It's the solar WIND - You've heard the complaint that "it's not the heat, it's the humidity." Well, the same thing can be said about the sun: New research finds that the number of sunspots provides an incomplete measure of... continued
Why Leaves are Changing Later
September 21, 2009The earth is changing, and so are the leaves (but not as fast as they usually do). Are you frustrated by your attempts to go leaf peeping this season, since those fall colors seem to show up later and later?... continued
Is Robert Langdon Based on William Henry?
September 18, 2009The hero of Dan Brown's new book discovers some familiar concepts - In our new Insight, popular Revelations show host William Henry asks: "Am I the source for Dan Brown's new book? 'The Lost Symbol' (which Brown didn't finish till... continued
Hard to Sleep Through
September 18, 2009We're not even sure why we need to sleep, but one thing we do know is that it's hard to sleep when the person lying next to you is snoring loudly. Snoring is caused by the vibration of relaxed and... continued
Swine Flu Hideout
September 18, 2009Where has swine flu been hiding all this time? Why, in swine, of course! The H1N1 virus that everyone's talking about was infecting pigs for at least 10 years before it recently jumped to humans. For Reuters, Maggie Fox quotes... continued