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Will Oil be Gone Soon?
August 13, 2009Societies in the past managed without it, and we may have to learn to do so as well. Is oil something that we won't ever run out of, or is it something we'll run out of SOON? We know one... continued
Hard to Believe
August 12, 2009Listen to William Henry's comment on this! - Sometimes facts are less believable than fiction: Could the terrorist we want more than any other, Osama bin-Laden, have once worked for the US? Even more shocking: Could something as tragic as... continued
High Tides
August 12, 2009Here's more evidence of global warming that nobody else is talking about. Tides from Maine to Florida have been mysteriously higher than normal this summer, with some as much as two feet above normal. This has mystified scientists, and the... continued
Another Cause of THE HUM
August 11, 2009Over the years, we've written many articles about communities all over the world where people are being driven crazy by mysterious humming noises. Now there may be a new cause for this problem: Wind farms. In the August 2nd edition... continued
August 11, 2009Why do so many politicians get into trouble? - Whether it's Argentinean affairs and Ponzi schemes or personal battles with obesity and drug addiction, people regularly give in to greed, lust and self-destructivebehaviors. This is partly because we believe we... continued
Major Meltdown
August 11, 2009The secret is out: US scientists monitoring shrinking glaciers in Washington and Alaska are warning that a major glacier meltdown is under way. Glaciers worldwide are melting faster than anyone had predicted they would, which will lead to rapidly rising... continued
Robot Laws
August 10, 2009If we use robots in the future, we have to make sure they behave. Scientists are now enmeshed in philosophical discussions about this. When the legendary science fiction writer Isaac Asimov penned the "Three Laws of Responsible Robotics," he forever... continued
Women in Danger
August 10, 2009Thanks to Religion - Woman aren't just discriminated against in the Middle East. Fundamentalists in Europe are a threat to women and so are fundamentalists right here in the US! If given to girls in childhood, the HPV vaccine can... continued
Whitley’s Journal: The Rest of the Story
August 10, 2009In Whitley's philosophical new Journal, he dispels the dark mood of his earlier journal and finds new understanding of some of the things he went through on his "initiation" into the world of the Visitors. If you treasure Whitley's writing,... continued
Whitley’s Emotional New Journal
August 7, 2009In his emotional new Journal, Whitley writes personally, for the first time, about something about his abduction that Anne Strieber reported learning about only a year ago. If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read... continued