Yet Another Reason to be Stressed

August 3, 2009
Stressed? Most of us are at one time or another, and the last thing we need is for our immune systems to let us down during busy times. But if you're under stress, you'll get sick more often. And if... continued

Are We Going Extinct?

August 3, 2009
Scientists don't agree on how many mass extinction events in earth's history were triggered by a space rock crashing into the planet's surface. However, most do agree that an asteroid collision 65 million years ago (among other things) was what... continued

Blue Dye Means They’ll Walk Again

July 31, 2009
The common food additive that gives M&Ms and Gatorade their blue tint may offer promise for preventing the serious additional damage that immediately follows a traumatic injury to the spinal cord. Maybe the lame really will get up and walk... continued

UFO Crash in Canada?

July 31, 2009
At our subscriber chat on Wednesday, we heard some incredible news about a UFO crash into a lake in Ottawa, Canada. It started about 10 pm on July 27 with a streak of light across the sky that was seen... continued

UFO Think Tank

July 31, 2009
The government may deny that they take UFOs seriously, but a major government-funded think tank, the RAND Corporation, has been studying them for over 60 years. RAND (which stands for "Research And Development") is a ostensibly a nonprofit organization, but... continued

How to be Healthy

July 30, 2009
Get married & STAY married! - A stable long-term marriage can be good for your health, but divorce or widowhood leaves a lasting scar on the health of middle-aged and older people, according to a new study. Remarriage seems to... continued

Athletes Bigger Than Ever

July 30, 2009
Due to doping? We soon won't be able to find out - Athletic superstars, in all sports, are getting bigger and bigger. And if they take drugs to increase their muscle size and strength, it will may become impossible to... continued

Who’s Happy?

July 30, 2009
An easy way to tell - Social scientists have a hard time trying to measure happiness. Surveys have revealed some useful information, but these are plagued by the fact that people misreport and misremember their feelings. But what if you... continued

Diet Books Will Soon be Rewritten!

July 29, 2009
Because there is a NEW WAY to count calories - Maybe one of the reasons some of us are so fat is because we measure calories the wrong way. Calorie counts are created by incinerating food, but we don't burn... continued

If Oil is Not Organic

July 29, 2009
we don't need to ever run out of gas - The oil and gas that fuels our homes and cars started out as living organisms that died (or did it?), were compressed, and heated under heavy layers of sediments in... continued