Moon Rocks

July 21, 2009
Yes, we really did go to the moon 40 years ago on the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, sparking a moon race that is still going on. A lunar geochemist says is still lots to learn from the moon... continued

Poisoning Yourself by Accident

July 21, 2009
More lethal than car crashes! - The recent deaths of Heath Ledger and perhaps even Michael Jackson point out the sad fact that adults between the ages of 34 and 56 are at a greater risk of dying from poisoning... continued

Dogs Aren’t the Only Animals That Bark

July 21, 2009
And cats control us with their purrs - The only reason we notice that dogs bark is because domestic dogs vocalize in this way much more than birds, deer, monkeys and other wild animals that use barks. The reason is... continued

What is It?

July 20, 2009
It smells like a lily, it spits at you, and it comes from deep underground. It has invaded a town in Idaho with the ominous name of Moscow. It's the giant Palhouse earthworm. There have been fewer sightings of it... continued

Spy Clothes

July 20, 2009
A spy would probably try to wear clothes that made him invisible. Failing that, the best thing to wear would be clothes that could take photographs of everything around him, without him seeming to ever click a camera. BBC News... continued

The Secret of Easter Island

July 20, 2009
It's not what you think - The giant monoliths of Easter Island are worn, but they have endured for centuries. New research suggests that a compound first discovered in the soil of this tiny South Pacific island might help us... continued

Fake Crop Circle Exposed

July 17, 2009
Update - Nancy Talbot of theBLTResearch Team has announced that the National Geographichas refused to affirm that it will provide an unbiasedapproach to the crop circle phenomenon in its upcomingdocumentary. The National Geographic has had a documentarycrew in the fields... continued

Stunning Crop Formation Virtually Ends the Debate

July 17, 2009
On Wednesday, July 14 a guest on William Henry's Revelations offered the opinion that most of the crop formations of the astonishing 2009 season were probably manmade. After the program, Whitley Strieber commented privately that what was needed was a... continued

Aliens Spotted in Crop Circle??

July 17, 2009
A 350 foot crop circle of an ancient Mayan symbol has appeared next to Silbury Hill in the UK, an artificial mound datingfrom prehistoric times which has been the site of many crop circles over the years. On July 7th,... continued

Danger on the Beach!

July 16, 2009
It's not the sun, it's the SAND - Who would have thought it? Children and adults who buildcastles and dig in the sand at the beach are at greater riskof developing gastrointestinal diseases and diarrhea thanpeople who only walk on... continued