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Game Parks Don’t Save Animals
July 23, 2009Long-term declines of elephants, giraffes and other animals in Kenya are occurring at the same rates inside the country's national parks as outside of these protected areas. Biologist David Western says, "This is the first time we've taken a good... continued
If it Doesn’t Rain…
July 23, 2009When the farmlands of California and Australia are facing a drought, what can they do? They could continue producing food if they could only irrigate their crops with saltwater. Now an international team of scientists has found a way to... continued
Mysterious Goo!
July 23, 2009Something thick and gooey (a mysterious substance that has yet to be identified) is floating in the Arctic waters off Alaska. The Coast Guard has collected samples to test, but still haven't discovered what it is. In the Anchorage Daily... continued
The World’s Biggest Migration
July 22, 2009People are immigrants but insects are too, and the incredible annual journey of Monarch butterflies seems insignificant compared to the amazing migration of these little insects! Every year, millions of dragonflies fly thousands of miles across the ocean from India... continued
Spyware on Your Blackberry!
July 22, 2009The ideal spy would wear invisible clothes that automatically took photographs of his surroundings and he would be able to read whatever you typed on your Blackberry. This almost happened in Dubai, and across the border in Canada. Let's hope... continued
Dogs Aren’t the Only Animals That Bark
July 21, 2009And cats control us with their purrs - The only reason we notice that dogs bark is because domestic dogs vocalize in this way much more than birds, deer, monkeys and other wild animals that use barks. The reason is... continued
Moon Rocks
July 21, 2009Yes, we really did go to the moon 40 years ago on the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, sparking a moon race that is still going on. A lunar geochemist says is still lots to learn from the moon... continued
Poisoning Yourself by Accident
July 21, 2009More lethal than car crashes! - The recent deaths of Heath Ledger and perhaps even Michael Jackson point out the sad fact that adults between the ages of 34 and 56 are at a greater risk of dying from poisoning... continued
The Secret of Easter Island
July 20, 2009It's not what you think - The giant monoliths of Easter Island are worn, but they have endured for centuries. New research suggests that a compound first discovered in the soil of this tiny South Pacific island might help us... continued
What is It?
July 20, 2009It smells like a lily, it spits at you, and it comes from deep underground. It has invaded a town in Idaho with the ominous name of Moscow. It's the giant Palhouse earthworm. There have been fewer sightings of it... continued