Watch ‘Em, Don’t Eat ‘Em

June 25, 2009
Taking tourists out to go whale watching produces much more revenue for coastal communities than hunting whales for food. So why do some countries still hunt these intelligent mammals down? A report from a meeting of the International Whaling Commission... continued

Why Do Car Accidents Happen?

June 24, 2009
Two good things to know when you get in your car: windshields don't give us skin cancer anymore and facial fractures from car crashes appear to be decreasing, most likely due to design improvements in newer vehicles. But none of... continued


June 24, 2009
Why do it & how it works - The Dalai Lama calls it a science. Whitley wrote The Path to show you how to do it (he used to meditate with the Visitors). In this week's subscriber section, Whitley meditates... continued

How to Keep Your Memory Sharp

June 23, 2009
Brush your teeth! - Over the years, we've given you lots of tips about how to improve your memory, but brushing your teeth? Researchers says that keeping your teeth brushed and flossed can help preserve your memory because gum disease... continued

Will Melting Glaciers Release Dangerous Germs?

June 23, 2009
We once wrote about what might happen if melting glaciers release long-frozen bacteria. Now it's happening: a recent microbe that has been frozen in ice in Greenland for over 120,000 years has finally melted. Studying this could give scientists a... continued

Taste Your Words

June 23, 2009
And eat your eggs - Can you TASTE your words? When different sensatory experiences blend together, it's called "synesthesia." Only about 1% of the population does this, but some researchers think we ALL do it at times. A chef who... continued

Why Women Get Sick Less Often

June 22, 2009
...than men do - There's something different about girls (and no, it's not what you're thinking!) New research suggests that women's immune systems are stronger than men's, probably because the XY chromosome arrangement is more fragile that the female XX.... continued

It’s Not Too Late

June 22, 2009 get tickets for our Dreamland Festival This Weekend - You can even buy tickets at the door. Besides presentations, we've scheduled social times when you can get a reading from Marla, have a beer with Jim and talk with... continued

Another Stonehenge Found

June 22, 2009
...while searching for crop circles - There are crop circles and there are crop circles. Researchers who search for new formations from airplanes have recently spotted the outlines of circles that are actually ancient monuments. They were spotted about 15... continued

Time Slips

June 21, 2009
Whitley's Journal - In Whitley's new Journal, he writes about how a photograph taken in 1917, which he spotted in a section of old photos printed in a recent newspaper, CONFIRMED a time slip which he has talked about for... continued