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Plant Pretends to be Sick
July 2, 2009We now know that bacteria plan ahead. New research has revealed that some plants are hypochondriacs. Nature has a lot to tell us if we'll only listen. They don't actually THINK they're sick when they're not, the way human hypochondriacs... continued
Homeless: The Ultimate Solution
July 2, 2009Something that government officials don't like to admit is that most of the homeless people who ask for money on the street are mentally ill. Some of them are addicted to alcohol, drugs (or both), but since the mental hospitals... continued
Big Tobacco the One Who Needs to QUIT
July 1, 2009...Quit trying to hook our teens on smoking - President Barack Obama's signature on a bill to grant the FDA authority to regulate tobacco was a historic step that could eliminate tobacco use in the US by 2047. To save... continued
Whitley’s Journal: Amazing Talk at an Amazing Festival
July 1, 2009In Whitley's new Journal, he reflects on this year's Dreamland Festival and on the crop circle that Linda Howe gave an extraordinary report on there. To see the formation he's talking about, click here. And that wasn't the only thing... continued
Big Brains Can Be a Problem
June 30, 2009Do we get cancer because we evolved big brains? That's a depressing thought, but it may be true. It's a question that has nagged cancer researcher John McDonald, who says, "I was always intrigued by the fact that chimpanzees appear... continued
Savants Fairly Common
June 30, 2009In autistics, anyway - There are more savants out there than we realized. In New Scientist, Celeste Biever describes her meeting with a 29-year-old blind musical savant with autism who can play any music you request, entirely from memory. She... continued
Anne’s Diary: Trickster Coyote
June 30, 2009Many Native American tribes have a deity called "Trickster Coyote," who plays pranks on people in order to bring them enlightenment, and the Visitors often do this as well. In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes, "This is the story... continued
Tunguska Mystery Solved
June 29, 2009AGAIN - The Tunguska mystery has been solved: it was a comet, not a UFO, that flattened leveled 830 square miles of Siberian forest in 1908. But now NASA scientists have verified this by studying the exhaust plume from the... continued
Plan Ahead
June 29, 2009If BACTERIA do it, you can too! Bacteria can anticipate a future event and prepare for it. A group of researchers in the US and Israel worked together to examine microorganisms living in environments that change in predictable ways. Their... continued
Why Do Some Teens Join Gangs?
June 29, 2009Gangs are a major problem in urban areas, and now scientists have discovered that boys who carry a particular variation of a gene known as MAOA, which is sometimes called the "warrior gene," are more likely not only to join... continued