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Why Women Get Sick Less Often
June 22, 2009...than men do - There's something different about girls (and no, it's not what you're thinking!) New research suggests that women's immune systems are stronger than men's, probably because the XY chromosome arrangement is more fragile that the female XX.... continued
It’s Not Too Late
June 22, 2009...to get tickets for our Dreamland Festival This Weekend - You can even buy tickets at the door. Besides presentations, we've scheduled social times when you can get a reading from Marla, have a beer with Jim and talk with... continued
Another Stonehenge Found
June 22, 2009...while searching for crop circles - There are crop circles and there are crop circles. Researchers who search for new formations from airplanes have recently spotted the outlines of circles that are actually ancient monuments. They were spotted about 15... continued
Time Slips
June 21, 2009Whitley's Journal - In Whitley's new Journal, he writes about how a photograph taken in 1917, which he spotted in a section of old photos printed in a recent newspaper, CONFIRMED a time slip which he has talked about for... continued
Laptop Affects Male Fertility
June 19, 2009Would-be Dads should use them on a desk - While fatherhood might be far from the minds of most young men, behavior patterns they establish early on may impact their ability to become a dad later in life. Excessive laptop... continued
Jellyfish warning?
June 19, 2009A number of incredible crop circles have appeared this year, including one that represents a jellyfish, at a time when strange jellyfish-shaped lightning appeared over France, and the world jellyfish population is exploding, crowding out edible ocean fish. Is all... continued
New Whitley’s Journal Confirms his Time Slip
June 19, 2009And Anne celebrates tool users for Father's Day weekend - In Whitley's new Journal, he writes about how a recent photograph taken in 1917, which he spotted in a section of old photographs printed in a recent newspaper, CONFIRMED a... continued
Beijing Storm Turns Day into Night
June 18, 2009Strange clouds appear worldwide - In the June 5th edition of the Daily Mail, Luke Salkeld describes the strange clouds that are currently being seen in the UK. He describes them as "whipped into fantastical shapes, these clouds hang over... continued
Time Slips
June 18, 2009One of the things that Whitley talks about on this week's Dreamland is how his implant has changed him: he has experienced time slips. This is something that Robert Koontz says would be likely to happen to a person who... continued
Meat Makeover
June 17, 2009Everyone craves it (almost everyone, that is), but some people say it isn't all that good for you. But no matter how you feel about it, it's long overdue for a makeover. Enriching meats with fiber and omega-3 fatty acids... continued