Money Can’t Buy It

June 10, 2009
If you think having loads of money (from a good job?), good looks or the admiration of others will improve your life, think again. A new study shows that these things can actually make you LESS happy. Materialistic and image-related... continued

Mayan Medicine

June 10, 2009
Was Mayan medicine as good as their calendars were? Researchers are looking at the plants shown in Mayan art so they can identify them and find out why that civilization thought of them as sacred. Were they hallucinogens or something... continued

Whitley on Coast to Coast AM TONIGHT!

June 10, 2009
Whitley will be on Coast to Coast AM tonight (Wed., June 10) at 11:30 pm Pacific, talking with his editor and with George Noory about his new novel The Omega Point, which is about 2012 and time travel. To find... continued

Corn Again

June 9, 2009
It's evil corn yet again! There is growing interest in using the waste that's left on the ground after a crop is harvested for the production of ethanol because it produces more energy than corn-based fuel. This would also help... continued

Will We Only Have Internet News in the Future?

June 8, 2009
Right now, people are using BOTH - We pride ourselves on presenting only REAL news (which is why we have a link identifying our source at the end of every story), but not all websites are that careful. Many of... continued

Horror Movies Reveal Your Politics

June 8, 2009
What does your reaction to The Blob reveal about you? Does your friend or partner avoid going to horror movies with you and duck when TV shows display lots of gore? If so, that may mean that, no matter what... continued

Maybe it WAS Terrorism

June 5, 2009
We recently wrote a story about how the recent crash of an Air France jetliner looked suspiciously like it was shot down by a missile. This is the Critical Mass scenario, in Whitley Strieber's new novel, which postulates that terrorist... continued

Still Shooting Down UFOs!

June 5, 2009
During the week of May 29, the British Royal Navy may have come close to firing on UFOs that were flying over the UK. This was leaked to the press by an "ex-military source." In the Register, Lewis Page quotes... continued

Why Do We Live the Way We Do?

June 4, 2009
Why do so many people live in the suburbs? With gas prices set to rise again and the problems that automobiles cause with greenhouse gas emissions, city planners would like to lure more folks back to the cities, so they... continued

We Miss It if We Don’t Get Enough

June 4, 2009
Women do, anyway - Women: Why does talking with a girlfriend make us feel so good? If we don't get enough "girl talk," feel deprived. A new study has identified a likely reason: feeling emotionally close to a friend increases... continued