Anne’s Diary: Getting by Giving

June 1, 2009
Anne has written before about shedding by shredding. In her new diary, she writes about getting by giving and says, "Sometimes what looks like giving really is getting, but it's hard to convince other people of that. It's equally hard... continued

What are You Doing in There?

May 29, 2009
Americans spend a significant amount of time in the bathroom, so it's good to know that your toilet seat is one of the most germ free places in your house! According to a recent survey, many Americans spend more than... continued

Even the Times Thinks They’re Real

May 29, 2009
The New York Times, which is one of the main newspapers that scoffs at UFOs, has printed an article quoting an energy lobbyist as saying that UFO technology can save us from global warming. In the May 14th edition of... continued

The Blob

May 29, 2009
No, it's not something out of an old 1950's horror movie. It's a mysterious object that lies deep beneath central Nevada, underneath the Great Basin. This mysterious blob is 30-60 miles wide and made of an unknown material the consistency... continued

SEE Whitley Interview UFO Researcher Leo Sprinkle TODAY

May 29, 2009
GOING ON NOW! - Today at 1 pm Pacific Whitley will interview Dr. Leo Sprinkle, who has spent many years interviewing UFO contactees and collecting information about UFOs. Unknowncountry's live video feed is now available in oursubscriber section only, as... continued


May 28, 2009
Want to give birth to a girl? Move to the tropics. It's a good idea to provide your kids with sisters because experts say that sisters spread happiness in a family while brothers spread distress. But if you're pregnant with... continued

Water, Water (Everywhere?)

May 28, 2009
If you want to find planets that find harbor intelligent life, you need to do what the early explorers did right here on earth: look for water. Since the early 1990s astronomers have discovered more than 300 planets orbiting stars... continued

The OPPOSITE of Placebos

May 28, 2009
When is a placebo not a placebo? When it's a nocebo. Can we THINK ourselves to death? In New Scientist, Helen Pilcher tells the story of a US man who was told by a local witch doctor that he was... continued

Message from Marla

May 28, 2009
Psychic Medium Marla Frees will be at our Dreamland Festival June 26-28, giving a "gallery reading" as well as spontaneous, individual readings as she walks through the crowd. We told you about her conference in Sun Valley recently and now... continued

Why It’s Good to Go Green

May 27, 2009
You know you should eat your vegetables but you should ALSO know that a salad isn't always a salad, unless it's DARK green! Even the Egyptians ate their vegetables! A spinach salad has more nutritional value than a wedge of... continued